Page:The House of the Lord.djvu/311

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Plate 27.—The Holy of Holies

This, the Holy of Holies of the Temple, is situated between the two sealing rooms already described; it is therefore the central of the three small rooms referred to as opening directly into the Celestial Room. It is the most elaborately finished of all the smaller apartments. A flight of six steps leads to the elevated floor of this room, and the portal is guarded by a pair of sliding doors, which in a measure correspond to the inner veil of the ancient sanctuaries.

The room is circular in form; and on the side opposite from the portal is a splendid art-window, picturing the visitation of the Eternal Father and His Son the Christ to the boy-prophet Joseph Smith. The event here delineated occurred in the early spring of 1820. (See "The Articles of Faith," I:12-14.)

Beneath the pictured scene is inscribed the forceful admonition of James, through the study of which the boy, Joseph Smith, was led to seek Divine aid:

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall he given him." (James 1:5.)

And below appears the utterance of one of the Celestial Personages:

"This is my Beloved Son; hear Him."

See pages 192-194.