Page:The House of the Lord.djvu/349

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Plate 46.—The Manti Temple

The site for the Manti Temple was selected in June, 1875; excavation work was begun in April, 1877; the corner stones were laid two years later; and the building was dedicated May 21, 1888.

The Temple is built on rock in place and consists of material taken from the very deposit on which it is founded. This is an excellent variety of oolite of light cream color. The building is one hundred and seventy-one feet long, ninety-five feet wide, and eighty-two feet from the ground to the square. The tower at the east has a height of one hundred and seventy-nine feet, that at the west is ten feet lower; and each of these towers is thirty feet square at the base.

The Temple occupies a position of eminence and is approached by a stairway twenty feet wide, comprising one hundred and twenty-five steps. The hill slope by which the Temple is approached is carpeted by a luxuriant lawn beautified with trees and flowers; each tree is set in a great flower-pot hollowed out for its accommodation in the solid rock. The soil for trees, grass and flowers had to be brought from a distance, as the rocky hill-slope was absolutely bare.

See pages 223-232.