As the German names of many Bohemian towns are more familiar to English readers than the Bohemian ones, it may be useful to give here a short list of some of these names with their Bohemian equivalents:
Alt Bunzlau = Stara Boleslav.
Ausschwitz = Osvěti.
Aussig = Ústi nad Labem.
Brünn = Brno.
Budweis = Budějovice.
Brüx = Most.
Caslau = Cǎslav.
Eger = Cheb.
Iglau = Jihlava.
Komotau = Chomoutov.
Königgrätz = Králové Hradec.
Kuttenberg = Kutna Hora.
Lundenburg = Brěclava.
Miess = Střibro.
Neuhaus = Jindřichův Hradec.
Saaz = Zǎtec.
Seelau = Zělivo.
Tauss = Domážlice.
Wildenschwert = Usti nad Orlici.
It has not been considered necessary to include in this list towns whose German name is nearly, though not quite, identical with the Bohemian one, for instance, Lipan (Boh., Lipany), Pardubitz (Boh., Pardubice), Pilsen (Boh., Plzeň), etc.