Page:The Hussite wars, by the Count Lützow.djvu/402

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Krasa, John, sentenced to death by Sigismund, 39, 39 n.–40 n.
Krusina, Lord, of Lichtenberg, leads Orebites against Wartenberg, 44; recaptures Králové Hradec from royalists, 47–48; aids Praguers in attack on Vyšehrad, 63, 64, 67; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; attends meeting at Kolin, 165; his bravery at battle of Ústi, 193
Kuneš of Bělovic, leader of Orphans, attacks Vožic, 182
Kutna Hora (Kuttenberg), inhuman persecution of Hussites by miners at, 17–18; enthusiastic reception of Sigismund at, 41; submits to Žižka, 90–91; recaptured by Sigismund, 104–107; set on fire by Sigismund, 109; again falls to Žižka, 109–110; diet at, to sanction agreement of Cheb, 285–286
Ladislas, King of Poland, refuses Bohemian crown, 60, 79–82; demands release of Bohemian envoys from Duke of Troppau, 97; marries wife of Utraquist tendencies, 129–130; fails in plan to attack Bohemia with Vitold and Sigismund, 143–145; his perfidy to Bohemians, 164, 170; rebukes Germans for cowardice at Ober-Glogau, 222–223; imprisons Korybut, 234; attempts mediation between Romanists and Hussites, 251–254; sends representatives to Cheb, 261–262; renews amicable relations with Bohemia, 287–288
Lenau, German poet, his poem on legendary birth of Žižka, 11 n., 366
Lipany, decisive victory over Táborites at, 333–336; effect of battle of, 337–338
Louis, Duke of Brieg, manifesto against papal authority ascribed to, 250 and n.
Malešov, scene of Žižka’s victory over Praguers, 168
Martin V, Pope, decrees crusade against Hussites and Wycliffites, 40; confounds Adamites with Hussites, 117; his letter to Vitold concerning Bohemian heretics, 130; fails in attempt to invade Bohemia, 145; consents to Council of Basel under fear of deposition, 248–252
Martin Berruer, Dean of Tours, informs Council of Basel of result of mission to Prague, 310, 338; represents Council of Basel, 313; delegate to Regensburg, 344
Martin Houška (surnamed Loquis), at the conference at Prague, 75; his fanaticism and hatred of Sacrament of Communion, 115; imprisoned by Lord Ulrich of Jindřichův Hradec, 115; his examination and execution, 116
Martin Lupáč, envoy to Council of Basel, 310, 318, 338; expounds claims of Bohemians at Basel, 339; returns to Prague, 340; envoy to Brno, 352; elected suffragan bishop, 355
Martin of Volyn, disciple of Hus, 113
Materna of Ronov, defends castle of Vožic, 182
Matthew Louda of Chlumčany, delegate of Council at Basel, 286; his pacific conduct in Germany, 290, 304; addresses Council of Basel, 293, 310; envoy to Brno, 352
Menhard, Lord, of Jindřichův Hradec, attempts mediation between Sigismund and Utraquists, 226–227; between Utraquists and Council of Basel, 308; his efforts to establish order in Bohemia, 315; defeats Táborites, 324; negotiates against Táborites, 325; at Lipany, 333; confers with Sigismund, 346–347; envoy to Brno, 352; acts as adviser to Sigismund, 354, 356–357; at Jihlava, 360
Moravia, Žižka’s campaign against, 155–156
Neisse, defended by Silesians against Bohemians, 222
Německý Brod, retreat of Sigismund to, 109–110; capitulates to Žižka, 110–111
Nicholas Divuček, Lord, attacks Žižka, 21–22; defeated by Žižka at Ožic, 33
Nicholas of Hus, advocate of Utraquism, 8; gives military training to Hussite army, 9, 27; appointed Táborite captain by Žižka, 34; defends Tábor against royalists,