Page:The Illusions of New India.djvu/95

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High education, like elementary education, has not only not averted the economic crisis brought on by the decadence of indigenous industry, but has furthered it and has enhanced its stringency. India made considerable industrial progress in pre-Mahomedan times, and during the Mahomedan period also our indigenous manufactures were in a very flourishing condition. In fact, even as late as the beginning of the last century, India did not export her food-grains, but her manufactures, such as cotton and silk manufactures, indigo and sugar, besides spices, saltpetre, etc.[1] How is it that she has been reduced from the economically sound position of exporter of manufactures and non-exporter of food-grains to the as economically unsound position of exporter of food-grains and importer of mann-

The following are the component parts of the amount of sales by the E. I. Company in England reduced to an annual average, on the seventeen years ending in 1808-09:—

Piece-goods £1,539,478.

Organzine Silk 13,443.

Pepper 195,461.

Saltpetre 180,066.

Sugar and Indigo 272,442.

Coffee 6,624.

  1. *