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were continually ascending. It was not straight forward; for occasionally they met with barriers, which sometimes caused them to go a little way round; but this was really no misfortune, for they were invariably rewarded with some glorious view that they would otherwise have lost; or, they were thereby protected from some great danger, which they saw on turning the corner was concealed behind it. As far as the eye could reach, there were magnificent trees, variously gathered into clusters, according to their kinds; and in rich green pastures, all kinds of cattle were peacefully feeding. But the most singular and interesting of all these things to Aucune, was a star that went on before them, and pointed out their way, just as that did which led the Magi to Bethlehem! The angels were well acquainted with this beautiful object, and called it "The star of knowledge." It was always visible, and shone with peculiar splendor during the shades of evening; and so long as they saw it, there was no danger of missing their way.

Aucune travelled on with her angelic associates, who made their journey extremely interesting and instructive, by telling stories of wisdom, or describing to Aucune the character of their great Master, and the nature of his kingdom. For a long time she went on, and once or twice she thought she could hear the flowing of the Fountain, but it did not appear. At last, however, she became weary and tired, and moreover she began to feel the same oppression and difficulty of breathing, that she experienced at first.

In a little while she was obliged to stop, and with tears in her eyes, said, "I see I cannot reach the Fountain: what must I do!"