Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/217

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by reason of their inability to communicate with their homes and friends; and

Whereas, Some of such officers, by reason of the diseases incident to prison life, are exposed to much suffering and in danger of neglect if left to the care of individuals; and

Whereas, We recognize the binding obligation on us, as Confederate officers, to search for and relieve the distress of all worthy officers and soldiers of our common country; now the more effectually to carry out our purpose we, whose names are signed to this paper,

Do hereby organize "The Confederate Relief Association," adopt the following constitution and by-laws for our government, and pledge ourselves, as individuals, from time to time, when called on by the proper officers of the "Association," to aid in sustaining it to the extent of our ability.


First Article. The officers of the Confederate Relief Association shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, a secretary, and an executive committee of one man from each of the five divisions into which we are at present formed. Each of these of-