Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/79

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D. C, that he (Foster) had obtained information from Rebel deserters and runaway niggers, and escaped Union prisoners of war, that the Confederate authorities were anxious for exchange of prisoners of war, and that he (General Foster) could manage the matter and arrange to have the exchange take place in Charleston Harbor. He also tells Halleck, in this letter, that there are six hundred Union officers—prisoners of war — brought from Macon, Ga., to Charleston to induce the United States authorities to make exchange of prisoners of war; but he (Foster) will notify Gen. Sam Jones at Charleston, that no more exchange of prisoners will be made in Charleston Harbor. Both Gen. J. G. Foster and Secretary of War Stanton knew that Federal prisoners of war were dying at the rate of seventy per day because the Confederate authorities cannot furnish them proper medicine. Yet the United States Government will not exchange nor relieve their own prisoners. Here is proof positive—