Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/139

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in the general adm.n.stration. It is sufficient to state here that His Highness* abilities. his high sense of duty, and his keenness in the improvement of the btate and the condition of the subjects are fully recognised in public speeches and »n other ways by the Government of India and their representatives in Central India.

The area of the Dewas (Senior) State is 446 square miles with a population of 74,258 souls, and the annual revenues are about 5 lacs of rupees (exclusive of alienations which yield annually about a lac of rupees).

His Highness Maharaja Saptasahasra-Senapati Pratinidhi Shri Tukoji Rao III alias Bapusaheb Maharaj is a direct Treaty-Chief and is entitled to a salute of 15 guns and a return visit from His Excellency the Viceroy.

2. Junior Branch.

IT has already been stated in the sketch of the Dewas history, that the two brothers, Tukoji Rao and Jiwaji Rao, who came into Malwa with the Peshwa Baji Rao I, established their power about the year 1739 A.D. From this time the brothers were divided and their separate possessions were marked out. By the treaty of 1817 A.D. the two States were distinctly separated and since then they are known as "Dewas Senior Branch" and "Dewas Junior Branch." The Chiefs of both the branches are equal in rank, power and authority.

The present ruler of this State is His Highness Malhar Rao Babasaheb Pawar. He was born on the 10th of August 1877 A.D. and was adopted by his uncle, the late chief Narayan Rao Dadasaheb, on the 8th January 1892 A.D., and installed on the gadi May 1892 A.D. After he had completed his education at the Daly College, Indore, he was invested with ruling powers in 1897 A.D. by the Honourable Col. D. W. K. Barr, the then Agent to the Governor-General for Central India. Since then he has been ruling the State with the help of his minister. The Pawars have been renowned as the lovers and patrons of art and education, and the present Chief has kept up the reputation of his family.'

In accordance with the treaty of 181 8 A.D. the State pays annually to the British Government Rs. 16,000 in commutation of the obligations to provide a quota of troops.

The population of the State according to the last census is 62,957 souls and the gross revenue is Rs. 3,75.000.

The present ruler of the Dewas Junior Branch is His Highness Malhar Rao Babasaheb Pawar who is entitled to a salute of 15 guns and a return visit from His Excellency the Viceroy.