Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/273

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THE chiefs of Porbandar belong to the Jethwa class of Rajputs, which is one of the oldest races in Western India. Their advent into Kathiawar is approximately put down at 900-1 000 A.D. They claim descent from Makaradhwaj, son of Hanuman, the monkey-god, and of a female alligator. They probably came from the north and first established themselves near Morvi. They held Barda and occupied much cf the adjacent coast region of Halar. After the capture and sack of Ghumli. the Jethwas retired to Ranpur, where they remained for many years, but were finally driven to Chhaya. While there, they acquired Porbandar and Navi from the Mogul Government and reconquered much of their adjacent .possessions from the Jadejas. In 1785 A. D. Sultanji transferred his seat cf rule to Porbandar, which has ever since been the Jethwa capital and has given name to the chiefship. Holoji, son of Sultanji, deposed his father in 1804 A.D., took the State into his own hands, and conducted the affairs in the name of his father. Holoji executed the usual engagements with the British Government in 1809 A.D. and placed himself under their protection. He was followed by Khjmoji ( 1813-1831 A.D. ) and Bhojrajji or Rana Vikmatji ( 1 83 1 -1900 A.D. ).

The State was taken under British management in 1886 A.D. on account of the mismanagement of the late chief, Rana Vikmatji, who died in 1900 A.D.

His heir and grandson, Bhav Singhji, was placed on the gadi on the 15th

September 1900 A.D, with powers of administration. But he died on the 1 0th December

1908 A.D. He was succeeded by his son, Natwar Singhji, who being a minor, the

administration is at present conducted by the British Government.

The capital of the State is Porbandar, which is a famous sea-port, and which is well known for its limestone quarries, which are exported to different parts of India.

The area of the State is 636 square miles and the population is 82,646. The average revenue of the State is about 9| lacs.

Porbandar is a first class State in the Kathiawar Political Agency, Bombay; it is situated in the west of the peninsula a'nd consists of a strip along the shore of the Arabian Sea, nowhere more than 24 miles broad.

The Chief of Porbandar holds the title of 'Rana' and enjoys a salute of 1 1 guns.