Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/136

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Amauta, or man of learning. He appointed the visitors and inspectors whose duty it was to report on all the temples and idols throughout the empire; and the confessors (Ichuri) who received confessions and assigned penances; and he superintended the record of events by the Amautas and Quipucamayocs. On his death the body was embalmed and interred with great pomp on some high mountain.

Under the Uillac Uma there were ten or twelve chief priests in the provinces, called Uilca, who had authority over the very numerous priests in charge of huacas, called Huacap Uillac, and over those who received and announced oracles from the huacas, Huacap Rimachi.

A very remarkable and interesting institution was that of the chosen virgins for the service of the sun, called Aclla. They were also known as Intip Chinan, or Punchau Chinan, servants of the sun; selected by inspectors from all parts of the empire. All the sun temples had virgins, those at Cuzco coming chiefly from the neighbourhood of the city, from Huanuco and Chachapoyas. After examination they were placed under the government of matrons, called Mama Cuna, and had to serve a novitiate. There were over 3000 virgins at Cuzco, with a matron for every ten. Each virgin had a servant. The novitiate lasted for three years, during which time the girls were taught to sew, weave, make fine bread and cakes, sweep and clean the temple, and keep alive the