Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/168

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boring of the ears, which completed the transition from boys to fully equipped Orejones and warriors. Next came the use of the weapons.

The next month, from January 22 to February 22, was called Camay.[1] It was the month of exercises and sham fights. The youths were divided into two armies of Hanan Cuzco and Hurin Cuzco, and on the very first day they came into the great square with the Huaracas, or slings, and began to hurl stones at each other. At times they came to close quarters to try the strength of their muscles. The Inca was himself present in person, and preserved order; seeing also that the young warriors were taught to march together, and to use the axe and the club. During these exercises the new knights wore black tunics, fawn-coloured mantles, and a head-dress of white feathers from a bird called tocto. After the exercises there was a feast, with much drinking of chicha.

The ninth month was the month of the great ripening. It was called Hatun Pucuy, and was represented by stalks of corn with curved baskets.[2] Betanzos has Colla Pucuy. Both names refer to the ripening.[3]

Pacha Pucuy[4] was the tenth month, from

  1. All agree except Betanzos, who has Coya Quis.
  2. The baskets are exactly as represented on the drawings of Huaman Poma.
  3. All agree except Betanzos, who has Colla Pucuy, and Fernandez, Cac Mayquis. Huaman Poma has Paucar Uara.
  4. Molina has Paucar Uaray, and is followed by Fernandez. The rest agree.