Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/212

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forming a sloping way to each terrace. There were no doubt stockaded defences when it was used for operations of war. The great feature of this Chanca region is the extensive and fertile valley of Andahuaylas,[1] capable of sustaining a very large population. There are other fertile valleys between Andahuaylas and the river Pampas which, like the Apurimac, flows through a gorge so profound that the vegetation on the river banks is quite tropical.

Beyond the Pampas, in the valleys formed by its tributaries flowing from the maritime cordillera, and on the Pacific slopes, there dwelt two powerful mountain tribes called Soras and Lucanas.[2] They seem to have been more advanced in civilisation than their neighbours, for there are ruins of important edifices in the Sora country, called Vilcas-huaman. This was a palace of the Incas and their principal station in Cunti-suyu, but it existed before the annexation, for Montesinos mentions a king of Vilcas, and the Soras did not submit without making some resistance. Their neighbours, the Lucanas, occupied both slopes of the cordillera. On the Pacific side there is a large alpine lake frequented by flamingoes called Parihuana-cocha,[3] round the banks of which their principal seat appears to have been. Below is the lovely coast valley of Nasca,[4] owing its

  1. Anta or Anda, terrace; hualla, green, fresh.
  2. Sora, a liquor stronger than chicha; rucana, finger.
  3. Parihuana, flamingo; cocha, lake.
  4. Nanasca, hurt.