Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/244

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and the southern twelve were only peopled by mitimaes in later times, though there was a scanty aboriginal fishing population.

Valleys of the Chimu Valleys of the Chincha confederacy Valleys in the south
1 1 Tumbez 1 21 Chancay 1 33 Acari
1 2 Chira 1 22 Carabayllo 34 Atequipa
1 3 Piura 1 23 Rimac 3 35 Atico Yauca
1 4 Motupe or Leche 2 24 Lurin 1 36 Ocoña
1 5 Lambayeque 1 25 Mala 1 37 Majes
2 6 Eten 1 26 Huarcu 38 Vitor
2 7 Saña 3 27 Tupara 1 39 Tambopalla
1 8 Pacasmayu 1 28 Chincha 40 Ylo
1 9 Chicama 1 29 Pisco 1 41 Locumba
1 10 Muchi 1 30 Yca 1 42 Sama
2 11 Viru 1 31 Rio Grande 1 43 Tacna
2 12 Chao 2 32 Nasca 1 44 Azapa
1 13 Santa
2 14 Nepeña
1 Patavilca
2 15 Casma
2 16 Culebra
2 17 Huarmay
2 18 Parmunca
2 14 Nepeña
19 Huaman
1 20 Huara
2 Supe

    taries of the Chira; Cinto and Tuquene, Ingenio, Palpa, and Chimpa, tributaries of the Rio Grande. These, with the forty-four irrigated valleys, would make fifty-nine. Von Tschudi does not give the names.
    1 Sources within the region of regular annual rains.
    2 Rivers with affluents within the rain region.
    3 Sources outside the regular rains.