Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/265

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The territory of the Chimu ended to the south at Paramunca, in 10° 51′ S. The coast thence to latitude about 15° S. includes the perennially watered valleys of Huara, Chancay, Caravayllo, Rimac, Lurin, Mala, Huarcu, Chincha, Pisco, Yca, Rio Grande, comprising five valleys converging into one, and Nasca, with deserts between them. There are also a few inhabited valleys with watercourses coming from outside the region of regular rains, such as Chilca and Asia.[1] The irrigated valleys supported a dense population in ancient times, the chiefs of each valley being independent, though acting together as a confederacy for certain purposes.

There are reasons for the conclusion that these more southern valleys had also been inhabited from a very remote period. On the island of San Lorenzo, opposite to the mouth of the Rimac, Darwin found the same shells as occur in the ocean at the present time, at a height of 85 feet, and with them the evidence of man's existence,

  1. Formerly Asyac.
Q 2