Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/281

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soon after his father, and Huascar appears to have been unanimously proclaimed sovereign Inca.

Preparations were then made for the conveyance of the body (malqui) and huauqui of Huayna Ccapac to Cuzco. His first queen, Cusirimay, had died at Quito. Mama Rahua, therefore, had charge of the body during the long journey, accompanied by some of the Inca's oldest and most trusted friends and councillors, chief among them being Auqui Tupac Yupanqui. Atahualpa excused himself from accompanying the funeral cortège. Speeches have been put into his mouth by one or two Spanish writers. Probably he had reason to be doubtful of his reception by the new Inca. He may have already conceived ambitious schemes, for he found that the Quito generals were devoted to his interests. At first Huascar is said to have given him the title of Incap Ranti, or Viceroy in Quito. But if this friendly feeling ever existed, it was of very short continuance.

On the arrival of the Ccoya Mama Rahua and her companions on the plain of Suriti, near Cuzco, with the body of Huayna Ccapac, the news was brought to Huascar that his brother Atahualpa had remained behind. He was furious. Auqui Tupac Yupanqui and his companions were arrested, questioned respecting the absence of Atahualpa, and, as their answers were not considered satisfactory, they were put to death. The Ccoya Mama Rahua was indignant at the execution of her friends, and the friends of her deceased lord. She never forgave

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