Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/303

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He read Latin with them for two years amidst the clash of arms, amidst rumours of wars and actual fighting, having undertaken the task out of kindness, and at the request of the boys themselves. The school numbered eighteen:

1. Garcilasso Inca de la Vega 10. Juan Arias Maldonado
2. Carlos Inca 11. Gaspar Centeno
3. Felipe Inca 12. Pedro Altamirano
4. Francisco Pizarro 13. Francisco Altamirano
14. A son of Garcia Sanchez
5. Juan Serra de Leguisamo de Figueroa
6. Diego de Alcobasa 15. A son of Pedro de Candia
7. Francisco de Alcobasa 16.
8. Juan de Cillorico 17. Sons of Pedro del Barco
9. Bartolomé Monedero 18.

They were all eager to learn, Felipe Inca being the most clever. But the good canon was pleased with them all, seeing how much aptitude they displayed for grammar and the sciences. He used to say, 'O sons! what a pity it is that a dozen of you should not be in the university of Salamanca.'

Out of school hours they amused themselves in the best way they could. Atahualpa was naturally hated by the Incas of Cuzco, and to insult his memory the boys used to make the night hideous by using his name to imitate the crowing of a cock. The Inca describes the music as

2 crochets, 1 minim, 1 semibreve, 4 notes all on one key.

They treated his generals who had four syllables