Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/379

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In Cuzco and its environs, and Ollantay-tampu

Dramatis Personæ

Apu Ollantay.—General of Anti-suyu, the eastern province of the empire. A young chief, but not of the blood-royal. His rank was that of a Tucuyricuo or Viceroy. The name occurs among the witnesses examined by order of the Viceroy Toledo, being one of the six of the Antasayac ayllu.

Pachacuti.—The Sovereign Inca.

Tupac Yupanqui.—Sovereign Inca, son and heir of Pachacuti.

Rumi-ñaui.—A great chief, General of Colla-suyu. The word means 'Stone-eye.'

Uillac Uma.—High Priest of the Sun. The word Uma means head, and Uillac, a councillor and diviner.

Urco Huaranca.—A chief. The words mean 'Mountain Chief.' The word huaranca means 1000; hence, Chief of a Thousand.

Hanco Huayllu Auqui.—An old officer, of the blood-royal.

Piqui Chaqui.—Page to Ollantay. The words mean 'fleet-footed.'

Anahuarqui.—The Ccoya or Queen, wife of Pachacuti.

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