Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/386

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Am I, forsooth, thy humble slave?
That I know all I'll quickly prove.
Ollantay. My beating heart is filled with dread,
Beholding thee so suddenly;
Perchance thy coming is a sign,
Of evils overtaking me.
Uillac Uma. Fear not, Ollantay! not for that,
The High Priest comes to thee this day.
It is perhaps for love of thee,
That, as a straw is blown by wind,
A friend, this day, encounters thee.
Speak to me as to a friend,
Hide nothing from my scrutiny.
This day I come to offer thee
A last and most momentous choice—
'Tis nothing less than life or death.
Ollantay. Then make thy words more clear to me,
That I may understand the choice;
Till now 'tis but a tangled skein,
Unravel it that I may know.
Uillac Uma. 'Tis well. Now listen, warlike Chief:
My science has enabled me,
To learn and see all hidden things
Unknown to other mortal men.
My power will enable me
To make of thee a greater prince.
I brought thee up from tender years,
And cherished thee with love and care;
I now would guide thee in the right,
And ward off all that threatens thee.
As chief of Anti-suyu now,
The people venerate thy name;
Thy Sovereign trusts and honours thee,
E'en to sharing half his realm.
From all the rest he chose thee out,