Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/439

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From this day thou art a great chief,
And never forget in thy thoughts,
I saved thee from death and disgrace.
Urco Huaranca. Great King and most merciful Lord,
But now, expecting my death,
I am ever thy most faithful slave.

(Uillac Uma gives him the plume and arrow.)

Uillac Uma. O Urco, the Inca has made
A great and a powerful chief,
And grants thee with marvellous grace
The arrow and also the plume.
Rumi-ñaui. Illustrious King, I venture to ask,
Will Anti-suyu have two chiefs.
Tupac Yupanqui. There will not be two, O Rumi-ñaui:
The Mountain Chief will rule the Antis;
In Cuzco Ollantay will reign—
As Viceroy deputed by me
His duties will call him to act
As ruler throughout the whole realm.
Ollantay. King! thou dost raise me too high,
A man without service or claim;
I am thy obedient slave—
Mayst thou live for a thousand years.
Tupac Yupanqui. The mascapaycha now bring forth,
And to it the llautu attach.
Uillac Uma, adorn him with these,
And proclaim his state to the world.
Yes, Ollantay shall stand in my place,
Raised up like the star of the morn,
For Colla this month I shall start;
All preparations are made.
In Cuzco Ollantay will stay,
My Ranti[1] and Viceroy and friend.

  1. Ranti, a deputy.