Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/458

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  • dramas, 147; surgical skill, knowledge of herbs, 156, 157; accounts of times before the Incas, 159; record the flight of the Chancas, 178; in Chile with the Inca's nephews, 190; list of ancient kings obtained from, 304
  • Amazons' river: Author's volume on early expeditions, x n.; source, 193; tributaries from the Andes, 193
  • Amazonian forests, 173; flight of Chancas into, 178; Collas and Lupacas sent to colonise, 191; approaches from the Andes, 193. See Montaña
  • Ambato, defeat of Huascar's army at, 246
  • Amotape, on the coast, cruelties of Pizarro at, 224
  • Ampuero, Francisco: married a daughter of Pizarro, 297
  • Ampuero, Martin: befriended Inca children, 297
  • Anahuarqui, wife of Pachacuti, 92
  • Añaya, Atilano de, envoy to Vilcapampa, 292
  • Anca, an eagle, 79
  • Ancalluasu, girl's dress, 136
  • Anco ayllu, image carried in front of the Chanca army, 84
  • Anco-ayllu, chief of the Chanca contingent of the Inca army: flight into the Huallaga valley, 178
  • Ancon, excavations of Reiss and Stübel, 229
  • Ancovilca, joint founder of the Chanca nation, 83
  • Ancoyacu, Huascar's army rallied at, 248
  • Andahuaylas, chief seat of the Chancas, 83, 92, 176
  • Andean people, 30, 31. See Indians
  • Andes: unfrequented pass from Yca, viii ; Cordilleras unite at Vilcañota, 21; and at Cerro Pasco, 182; age, rise, 37, 38, 230; above the vale of Vilcamayu, 52; mountains of Cuntur-cunca, 179; Andes penetrated by five rivers, 192; descent from, to the montaña, 194, 195. See Cordillera
  • Angamos, 175
  • Anta, Prince Cusi Hualpa rescued by people of, 73; chief of, rewarded by the Inca, 74; daughter of the chief married to Uira-cocha Inca, 77. See Chimpu Urma and Runtu-caya
  • Antamarca, Huascar murdered at, 251
  • Antarctic lands once joined to South America, 37
  • Antarctic Indian, Garcilasso called himself, 31
  • Ant-eaters, fossils in Tarapaca, 38
  • Anti Indians, 196
  • Anti-suyu, eastern division of the empire, 173, 192–9. See Amazonian foests and Montaña
  • Apancay, or Abancay, 33, 174; beauty of the valley, 175; battle at, 262
  • Apocynea, tree in the northern coast valleys, 205
  • April–May, Ayrihua, 119
  • Apu-ccuri-machi, conquest of Marcapata by, 196; crossed the Inambari, reached Paytiti, 197
  • Apu Mayta, nephew of Inca Rocca: great general, 66; conquests of, 75, 77; against the succession of Urco, 83; supported Prince Cusi, 85; in battle with the Chancas, 86 ; death, 88
  • Apu-panaca, officer who selected Virgins of the Sun, 163
  • Apu Paucar Usnu, conqueror of Colla-suyu, son of Inca Pachacuti, 189
  • Apurimac river, 45, 48, 77; western frontier of the land of the Incas, 78, 80, 81; Chanca boundary, 83, 89, 91, 126, 137, 159, 173, 174; tributary of the Ucayali, 193; Huanca Auqui stationed to defend the bridge, 248; meeting of Manoo Inca and Pizarro at the bridge, 254