Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/462

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  • Humboldt, Ternaux Compans, Villar, Middendorf
  • Carrillo, saved Loyola's life, 293. See Soto
  • Casma, coast valley, 208
  • Cassana, palace, at Cuzco, 269
  • Castilla, Maria de. See Loaysa
  • Castro, Lope Garcia de, 276
  • Catacaos, peculiar language at, 220
  • Catalina, Maria Usica. See Paullu
  • Catari, Oliva's informant respecting an underground Tiahuanacu, 24; his ancient name of Tiahuanacu, 29 n.
  • Catu, or market, 263
  • Cauca valley : service of Cieza de Leon in, 2
  • Cauqui, dialect of the Yauyos, 180, 311
  • Cavillaca, goddess in Huarochiri, 230–4
  • Caviñas, 80
  • Caxamarca conquered by the Incas, 92, 93, 173, 182; Pizarro at, 225; Huascar's general defeated at, 246; murder of Atahualpa, 251; retribution at, 253
  • Cayara, a Quichua stronghold, 174
  • Cayto Marca, submits to the Inca, 65
  • Ccamantira, singing-bird, 82
  • Ccapac, meaning of the word, 43
  • Ccapac Apu, viceroy, 163
  • Ccapac Cocha, human sacrifice, 108
  • Ccapac Raymi, month, Dec.–Jan., 118, 125
  • Ccapac Situa, month, Aug.–Sept., 118, 125
  • Ccapac-tocco, window at Paccari-tampu, 49, 51, 52
  • Ccapac Yupanqui, 56
  • Ccenti, humming-bird, 82
  • Ccolli (Buddleia coriacea), a tree, 22, 80
  • Cconi Rayac, attribute of the deity in the Huarochiri myths, 231
  • Ccoya or Queen: portraits by Huaman Poma, 17. See Anahuarqui, 92; Chuqui Urpay, 244; Cusi Huarcay, 274; Mama Cusimiray, 241 ; Micay, 68; Mama Ocllo, 94; Mama Rahua, 241; Mama Runtu, 241; Tocta Cuca, 241
  • Ccoya Raymi, Sept.–Oct., 118
  • Ccuri-cancha. See Inti-cancha
  • Ccuri-chulpa, concubine of Uira-cocha Inca, 77, 83
  • Ccuri Vincha, golden garlands of Virgins, 107
  • Centeno, Diego : arrival at Cuzco, 267; defeated at Huarina, 268
  • Centeno, Caspar, schoolfellow of the Inca Garcilasso, 265
  • Centeno, Señora : museum once at Cuzco, now at Berlin, 320
  • Cervantes, Bartolome: gave Catari's statement to Oliva, 24
  • Ceterni, wife of Naymlap (whom see)
  • Chachapoyas, 33, 93, 198; Jesuit mission at, date of 'anonymous Jesuit' (Valera) fixed by date of abandonment of, 304
  • Chahuar Quiz, month, July–August, 118, 124
  • Chalco Yupanqui, led a column to invade the montaña from Pilcopata, 196, 197
  • Chalcuchima, a Quito general, second in command of Atahualpa's army, 247, 250; met his deserts, 251, 266
  • Champi or battle-axe, 122
  • Chañan-ccuri-coca, a valiant lady who defended Cuzco against the Chancas, 85
  • Chancas Confederacy, 83, 161; founders, chiefs, resolution to subdue the Incas, 83; flight of Inca Uira-cocha, 84; defeat of the invaders, 86, 87; final overthrow, 88, 89; formed a contingent of the Inca army, 92; their country, 174; in the army of Pachacuti: their flight, 178, 198
  • Chancay, coast valley, 206
  • Chanquiri, a crow, 86