Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/471

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  • Inticaca or Titicaca, 21, 103 n.
  • Inti-cancha or Ccuri-cancha, temple of the sun at Cuzco, 55; divided into four quarters called Quinti-cancha, Chumpi-cancha, Sayri-cancha, and Yarumpuy-cancha, 56; rulers at first lived in, 58; royal residence removed from, 64
  • Intip Chinan, name for chosen virgins, 106
  • Intip Pampa, in front of the temple: runners assemble at the Situa festival, 125; Inti-huatana in, 116
  • Intip Raymi, June–July, 118; great harvest festival, 120–3
  • Ipacura, one of the Ayar wives, 49
  • Iquichanos, 179
  • Irrigation at Nasca, 177, 237; Chira valley, 207; Chimu, 209; Nepena, 218; former density of population proved by, 229; in southern coast valleys, 237
  • Isabel Yupanqui Ñusta, mother of the Inca Garcilasso, 260; her portrait, 262; called Chimpa Ocllo before baptism, 262
  • Iscuchaca, 81, 86
  • Itenez river, 193

  • Jan.–Feb., month called Camay, 118
  • Jauja: conquest of, 93, 173; working of the Inca system in valley of, 166; river, 178; Huascar's army at, 246; Hernando de Soto at, 252
  • Jayanca, coast valley, chiefs of, 223; chief of, sent to Cuzco, 224
  • Juana Tupac Amaru, received in the house of Archbishop Loaysa, married to Condorcanqui, Curaca of Surimani, 298
  • Juli, on the west side of Lake Titicaca: Jesuit station at, 192, 313
  • July–August, month called Chahuar Quiz, 118
  • June–July, month called Intip Raymi, 118
  • Justiniani, Dr., descendant of the Incas, Cura of Laris: author's visit to, viii, 145 ; his copy of Ollantay, 146

  • Lafone Quevedo, Don Samuel A.: his work on the cult of Tonapa, 99
  • Lambayeque, tradition of arrival of strangers, 208; chiefs of, 224, 225. See Naymlap
  • La Merced, church at Cuzco, 263, 271
  • Lamistas, tribe of the Huallaga, 178, 198
  • Lampa, contents of a native doctor's wallet at, 157
  • La Raya, 188
  • Laris, viii, 144, 145. See Justiniani
  • Larrabure y Unanue, Don E., x; on use of pillars in Lunahuana ruins, 320; on Paramunca, Sillustani, 319, 320
  • Lasiandra, bushes, 94
  • Lauricocha, lake, source of the Amazon, 193
  • Laycas, diviners, 108
  • Leche, coast valley, 208, 224
  • Leguisamo, Mancio Serra de: story of his gambling away the golden image of the sun, 15, 301 n.; married Beatriz Ñusta, 260; a captain in the force invading Vilcapampa, 293; witness of the Indians reverencing the head of Tupac Amaru, 296, 297; his will, testimony to the excellence of the rule of the Incas, 300, 301
  • Leguisamo, Juan Serra de (the younger), schoolfellow of Inca Garcilasso, 265; received at Vilcapampa, 273
  • Leon, Pedro de Cieza de : author's translation, x n.; early life, 2; services, 3; desire to record events, 2, 3; his chronicle, 3, 4, 96; on Tiahuanacu, 90 n.; gives Tuapaca as the name of