Page:The Independent Hindustan Volume I Number 4.djvu/7

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Secession or Federation?

IN view of the fact that the revolutionary activities are rampant in various parts of the British Empire, the British statesmen are busy in building up a structure upon which the loosely connected parts may be held firmly and permanently.

Time is progressing so rapidly that no one today, be he an English Liberal or Reactionary Imperialist will deny that reforms are necessary in India, Egypt, Persia and Ireland. The people of these countries, of course, are not interested in different proposals for reforms. These oppressed peoples are determined to reorganize their countries and constitution on an entirely new besis. The British Statesmen are, however, very anxious to advance schemes to cement different parts of the empire into closer relationship in order to safeguard empire against disintegration.

They advocate a Dominion-responsible form of government; home-rule all-around: introduction of progressive reform measures. Home-rule all-around is the latest phase of the imperial plan which tends to culminate in a Federation of the British Empire.

These patched-up plans may help Britain to retain her present position and prestige, but India or other Colonies will see that commplete and absolute independence will give them an opportunity of extending their cooperation to other countries without being hindered and hampered by anyone.

Already the movement is going on in all parts of the British Empire, which indicates the attitude of the people towards undictated freedom.

The recent dispatch by Reuter News Agency from Capetown states that at the Free State Nationalist Congress held on October 22nd, 1920, General Herzog moved the following resolutions, which were adopted as a supplement to the principles of the Nationalist Party:

That this Congress, in view of the fundamental principle of the Nationalist Party namely, South Africa, first decided to accept the following principles:

  1. The Nationalists acknowledge and will safeguard the Sovereign will of the people of the Union.
  2. The Nationalists acknowledge the right of the people of the Union to self-determination.
  3. The Nationalists acknowledge the right of the people of the Union to secede from Great Britain and break any existing bond between the Union and Great Britein.
  4. The Nationalists declare against and will oppose any attempt at a closer Imperial Union.

That the Union of South Africa is planning to set up an independent republic needs perhaps no explanation.

The same movement is evident in Canada. "A private canvass of opinions," says the Canadian Nation, published at Ottawa, "reveals the fact that many who, a few years ago, were known as staunch imperialists now admit their belief in the ultimate independence of Canada." The Canadian political thought is directed towards the necessity for a complete change in the government. "This is to be seen," says the Canadian Nation, "in the demand which was made during the war for Canadian control of the Canadian Army in France; it was seen again when the Canadian delegation at the Peace Conference insisted upon the inclusion of Canada as a member of the League of Nations; it is to be seen in the practical unanimity with which Canadians now insist upon a Canadian Navy owned and controlled by the government of Canada; and it is advanced further by the arrangement for separate Canadian representation at Washington. These are only a few instances, but they all tend in the same direction, and, on the other hand, there are no cases which show a tendency upon the part of any considerable section of the Canadian people to insist upon any curtailment of the status of a Canadian among the Nationals of the world."

The movement in Ireland is definite and determined. The Irish Republic is a settled fact in spite of the superior military forces which are used against the rising nation. The vast majority of the Irish people have duly expressed and cast their votes for independence. And today the machinery of the Government of independent Ireland functions just like any other independent nation.

In India the revolutionary movements have brought about the pronounced evolutionary growth of the political principles promulgated by the people at large.

The so-called progressive steps of reforms which the English government is anxious to dole out to the Moderates and Liberals in order to pacify the growing unrest cannot divert the attention of the people from their determination to set up an independent government with a new political and economic program. They are busily engaged in perfecting their own program and in formulating their own policies.

Recently India Home-rule League, the object of which was to secure responsible self-government within the British Empire has been changed to Swarajya Sabha. Swarajya Sabha aims to attain full and complete Swarajya. , The word Swarajya in plain language means self-rule which recognizes no other sovereignty. Full and complete self-rule is nothing but complete independence. And in fact there can be no Swarajya — (Self-rule) without having Swatantrata— (Secession). The Hindus, therefore, being inspired by the political instinct, have used the word Swarajya in a very subtle way and no interpretation