Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/101

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Tin: IXDIAX A2TnQUABY. fititco. 187«"i. thy gate! again, thai I may enU'i I "H thou ii tbv gaie, arid 1 outer mr assault the dour: I will ' >wn thn gates 1* I will nttocli tbfl entrance; 1 n-ill irpHt opeai the portal*. w l will t,. tha duruurerg of tin.' living! ■> tfpon the living th* deed dial! prey!'* ■' Trvu bl«! PortOf opened Ids ':o t '«- anil said to ll

  • i Stay, Lady 1 do not shako down the door! I ** will

go. end tell thia to iho Queen Nhvletytol/f " The Porter CDttWedi nod *n'«d to Si *° 'Tluua cantoa thy iMtcr lidilar^utter.;,]^ 2r Mafiplii thee with groftl '• ii

  • «S iidu-gulhuurdllii.-., [ - - . .] B ali«

grew |irih% like n Hower thnt is cut off] 3" aho trembled, like I of » reed : ,l * I will cere her rage,* alio said : ' 1 will euro her fury : 5: lhe>0 OutIri) I w ill repay tO ImtI ** Light up reltstitning fhunci ! light up 1 1 losing sit row ! a ' Li" be ntfli iIh- ItoabAnda who (inserted thnirwivnal M Let htir dtwiu by v.jlIl i!il •• husband/ II ;1 ' 3 I- •! lu-r doom be with yaullm why led dishonor 'i; PortOFi Open rho gate for her, ■• but Htriplier, like <itLcra at other time*/ » Tip. I'm-r wrnt and opened ■ of Ttggnbs city !'§ permitted ' •» May tin- i-overeigu of Hade*, i at thy presence !* || **The. tirdt goto admitted i n1 fituppnd her; there was taken oil' tin Crown from hop bead< U " Ka i ot lake off frfim mo the great Grown from my lieud !' ** " Ex- uUiKf it, L"uiy! for the Qusen of the land cam- maiidj iti removul/ " *' i nd gate admitted her, and Mopped her: than wore taken ulT the i unxi, •* ' Keopor 1 do not take off from mo the tarring* ofmywird!' ff'EJtotiie, , Utijt row the Q of the In nd commands: their remr- 1 " *» Tin- tii.r.i gate admitted her, and Stopped there were taken off < pi 'nnm sfcon- bur head. w ' Korper ! d» UOt toko t.ff frum m«  ihc proeteiw sIoiiha from my head t ' W ■ E it. Lady I farthti Qucon oftliol muiub tiioir romoval '.' "W Tilt.- fourth gate admitted her, nruj it topped

  • Tli ■ • r '-y iatroda • I Ijy

lli.' Tin!, r ill IJn* l.i *u!f»e> qi»mt nrr.lh .i{ I

  • mnwrt to ttw I'rtiMriplac ot

i #Lk> iilniinrlitl wiih (iula «>r lLdiu (thi« /tih u or " CbuM" ol i , ' llw Lady of Um II uu moI ami urifn wf Be* or NUV t Tl rii of 'iii fend Mi nT f.-TTmrinj; liar* a hnikan ul!f, v. IIhi tniulaitiiiii niuOTtain. 5 A priiiftpal Mliof laatuf'i wtnuLip. '1 ITiO and of thu liQ« i# toirt, uul all lh« Mn«in.iuin ff tiaM of cdttiaa 1. a» rtmUofilr mutilated ( ihi* itw,itat hi an «ltH'!i'«l form if Udi , — Numtat ii couiuiuinlixj to ***»# her ; ihcro were taken off tho * mall lovely genu from her forchatLd. O'Keopor! do not l..iko off from mo tlw anuill loroJy genu from my foro- headr mi *Eiimae it. Lady 1 for tlw Queen «  Utbd i ijrnvniiiiclp ihidr rem "«Tho fifth gnto uduj unJ stopped Jier : theno was taken off thrt control girdle of hof w * Kfe-per 1 do uok faaku oft* from mo tbfl oeutnVI girillo frolB my waifttl* a ' Etcu. . Lady ! for the Queen of the luttd commanda Its !• in mil' •■67 The aixlll Hud her, and stopi icd .1 i-i ware taken olfthe gtitdon ringa of her lutneu and ! Saoperl do nut lake off from tin." rim golden rings of my linnds and feet I* w ' Rxeuso it. Lady I For the Queen of tho laud commands their romnvvd '.' " '"' The seventh gsite admitted her, and stopped her: there wax taken lant garment from lu-r body, C1 " Keeper ' do not toko oil from mv the last garment from my body!' ••'Eiami Lady! fur t!m Qanen of the land commands its " «• After thAtmothoi tahntarhedde^oeadfj I '" l Xiu-ki--n! iew bor, u«d stormed oa mBeting her. «> 1 - h : I o ■-'.. Imr rwinon, end heaped Iili- f ' r ' Xin-ki-gal opaned her month and spoko, & to Namtar Iter meu&aiigor a eom- matid nho gave ; ** Go, Kumtar 1 [lomi word* loff - )

    • Bring her out for pnniahmont.' *

IRlO divim: me^engar of the god* hiecrated Ida face boioro theni." l Tho eaeem* btyoftho god« wjia fnll.f s the Sun eumu along v.ili HiO Mouu hia father. * Weeping he

:■ i '." l-> -i till fcw r : I ' I DtjU lit WOttdl d iitri-i

the earth j and sbedld n ri m again : * and since mo Uiut mother Inhtar dttKflrttdod into I' 7 the hn 1 1 has not sought the cow, nor thn male of any animal tho female. ■ The «ktw und her nutatni , » the mosti •ending: w the «lnve },<■ i from obeymg.' iiTin , i i fold n filmi: »he formed, for her eitcapo, tho figure of a man of eluy.t ,9 'Go to her. Phuntum ! presont thyself at the portal of Wnar i i in. ey <^. the Ala, Um feet, Hal n«ort f ■ tor] eitrAMjftUui. after Um -I dwwulrtl ixit.r tladi*. tlin vnrral kkM ■ 1m. uf | M 'rr inflacneo. Dm i1«*n Iii..-*, wi. mrr (wtlor frrtMrrnl in Uui mniitiil column. whiTft '. "ited. „ ' A iiffn -Mddfn is Shut. ii*. 1, v. 28. Tlw Mmliiu; face hatokoaed a Mtaeetj K t^ *■{ t I *«rh donhtful. I Tho > ortfliail 1 i han> dcm«d from ' ' idrt word /'<(,■ rlny." Bnt Ui» i« raen eoojactme. Tito niMUlntf miiluuil) i». tunl ilea nwdded i ^jtui«  jthed life u wh(.ni all ' I'M Wn-iiri jiiAiipyAtt" waa otm of hia law t turaal Uttc*.