Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/262

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Attocvr. 1975.] CORRESPONDENCE wn MISCELLANEA. £49 fluently abo in thfc bow of Jnnnkn In tliv I wn have before ui uu " echo" of the story of Odysseus, Lfrnkmbm, ami rim gront, bow wuri him back hi* Penelope; I mn far from attempting to b&fiO fivory ■' bent tow I do.— Further, urea while waiving •. their i the <; rucks, not from i.'bahuuans (ace, however, IiuL >'f< -414 IF,), I do not see how Urn a*trrimm>icul date occurring in the ifalwtdyuwa uru to have no /oreo nt all an proof* , tt ix almost certain shut the ttiudutfgot their knowledge also of the ptmeti from I i- oldest paMagox in which ] war, Mercury and iiii'.iiiii .: rilinhJ ritual arfihroug ht hotel relation), and the lucuUuuiog of i he pianola in the IWhi/>. otd no doubt, to a time when that (ii'fioian influence was an established custom. The re Eon n i d Y u '* n a a and {Sain thr* I' as powerful nation* in fAf Httrthftm — »oi " to show that those nations were known to the Hindu* a* — bat pray, uj whatS I thins LoSSCHl W>' I terra mentioned " ok powerful nationa norffceni nyttot"; u this eel the same nil eatab'i Qif thofr dominion «i that quarter? Finally, 1 hare to remark tout the JEdy t. Ilti, do- ijn La««cn rays i: any stair. 1 rn^ni- that darn- (reigning in the beginning of the first centui I Jm«elf) " the ItJatdytutd, with all its episodes, to fa read to ". fur the text toy! quite the contrary. — 'that Damodara is at ,'ij to bo aeon, his curse be Ii.ih mot been *t>l tho necessary condition, via, to henr the whole in ono day. To daws t may be allow* ui fi add ■ »nv*puiul«u«a iu the i)<i*>i- raihqjiUiiht with verses in the JMwnfyiiaa have already been pointed out by FausboU one puAMgi* mote, which has been indicated to a Dr. J. Muir turn! to him by Prof. Cowell). Rhnrntnkumam comas to tull HArn;* ortbi death of l)u I idm back, btr llnds him ' at the door of tho br : - ittfhutktipi- . p. :':, 1, 7, Thus Havana saw Sit! FT^I *J JJMI TJST TTvT«ff ^ffTTTffrr (ITT. ' rrcsio; tho Bombay odi- I II, 46. IS, has only fV^H^ttT ^plt)* 4. TA# Ati it. -1 am particu- larly thankful to yon for having sal latino of § IS of my papvr on it In-fore tho English and i public at large, an 1 do not think tj • Th* rmtlrtiU .»f § k ooaoenutmr tit* srtutic rrpr iron* of Kriilitai m » wwiklintf, would also b* of rrar-ml in* teiwt. cwjwdaUjr »hon x»onipaa i *J by a copy of tint had attracted dan attention tafore, ao lone was known only in Oermnfh Hat I «huuld bare ItkL'd Tery much that you had given also a con- densed review (if nothing more) of the contents of §§ Innd -. n i tj sourcoa from which I haw derived my ittfoMHttttnii, und ond giv» I pirtnr-i nf thn feativnl itself saaearding to statct'. i ' '•■ ■ ■ i'ii-i' fumulafulldeamption i-ontaining almost all the passage^ I Unit succeeded IB bl 'sethw, and nvon some othnra, in an excellent work, for an oonoeJnl whirl i T am vrrr much hadabted to my red friend Dr. R. Ro^t, rht in the Uttrt- I ol r-i litijAlabltatta (Celcuttu • 8ak&lidah 1787, *-* lMB)i pp-SW to ML iWibwo.

Y„rL*, vol- I. p, W7, 1 R

J&meAo&fiin'Zdfa by one Sanatana, duciple of I iin:mnya). Now us regard tho ntHetnras on my paper Offered by .Mr. Cm waa in vol. II L p, 3*X>, I am glad to sec that >: ■ hli pvjaitiotiii t— c"- inripal argument h uf it; but I *lmuld bke to know « : ■■/ saying at the end of b in 2nd brad "Tltis again U no novpl d[itnovery/ T ■id to him if he pointMt out the place where tho tndtun tnwlituns that tho dootnnfi i»f aalvation by I *"""' Kfi?bna waa fare fkeni notadtipa" wai ipoken ol altmiwn to it. What he fay* under his Oth i bal be has, with sail hi* great earn in reading my My failed tot ♦ land ' a 'if the particubr and «ry point In question:. It is bccauBo tho ciot" ianCbnrcTi of celeb: i»r on the sain I only from the second half of the I I i he year t'lL when the cctcbrstl I h" forth efttfi* tool I ■ I strongly pat the borrowing of thus form of thu Ef E » h n » j on in Alb f *m t En wbleb " the isnOftlie giving a name, forms an integral pari of its oalobl ' .innntr that citNtom peiuiliar l' prevailed Dmhnrorluly, rnidwieter ormid- nummar] piny* no Mti at all in this mj disru - only gpoken or tnctdentally in rhe tMitT^ Though "I frankly tdm« thai on^luilr of my ii that *NKttoti', via. Christian arehej- 1 hope I hare shown myself rot »u tborougbly itiadotjiitiie to the tank m in Mr. Growse**i Opinion i» er caste, I hate consulted the best anthoritaei at JvmaUfnl dimwinjj on the »xvu& pbae from Moor » Wowfi hmfAava, pt. cy.