Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/32

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Jawtury, 1875,] OLD EAN ARESK TJTERATUBR 19 (Kanareac matron with six lines), niutres in whtch nearly all the Lingavanta and Brahmanta KanarDSO poexna appear, bnt» as for a* I knun, nOOO Oil lIiu Juttin'j, Ha is pictured an a very good disputant, and died in V e 1 ft p u c tu Kiu death touk place before 1&J9 ajk, aa at that year tin luid already become* roni'iwncd man of tho past, There i* ft work of rocont date, named Jnw&feuea Sikhdmani, containing Saiva stories, that profewea to ho a work of ftighava tn n revised form. 8. Pmlrku Liiifft Ltbl—i>S chapters, with 1110 renes, in bat pad i. I'll a nutlmr's mune is nut given in my copy ; hut it is probably thy work gE the BBiue nama that waa composed by Ckamorasa Ayya at the time of Prnudha ItAja of Vidyfuuiguiu. It is the legend of the Tungamn Atttema J'rahhu, (tha son of A'iraiiaEkarn Muni}, who at hut attend- ed the guru throne in Kutydnapura in Rasava's time, Tho flrst stnry relates how Allama went to tho town Bannviisc, in tho country Belavala, where the king Alamakam Pr&bhu ruled, and bow ho eedueed tho princess MAye, tha king's oidy child. Q. Prmtdha jfcfju Etithd, i.e. stone* told to king Franc} ha of Vidyfuiagara, to oonvlnoo him of tho truth of LiHgavantiam. It waa written by Adrian, tho von of Anuappa, of tha Kara kitLt of tha marahant.r.h i o fa (rf>«%i) of tho pargnnah (porn* jfttTtf) of Kollapurn. The storiHi art* mostly, if not throughout, suniowhnt inure detailed uccouuta of the short legends of Saivas found in 11 hi ma's Bcuiim Purdnn and the Clntnnn Bnnwa Purdna. 10. AkhanJetvara vtuhana, a treatise netting forth tho specific LLiJgactu lutiets and cltituouJo*. It ia also called bal Slhal* Achftrn no. Tha sacred . naaaof the o u tuber wut with the Lhlguitas ia (bund- od on tho mantra om iirtwniA SiciEyo, which has six syllable*.. Thou they ipealf of Sad nl Ihatu, Sat karma, Sad indriya. Sad Itlifi- to, Sad I i Sign, Tho ! i > •; 1 1 i f 1 1 j> j to the niuo cba [iters are aa follows (the word tifui^i meaning foptV) i — &rf jr»n» hirunya ithaln, ZaUffa dhdrana tthafa, VibfoUi pftafa R«dr4k$k» tttm}a, Bkakii . T&rjfa nirAhmbi ithtty, Tnttd&i tfkafa, f Jiutj! ith'ilii Samna athafn. 11. Tho Sr^maUmi R<hyfn of tho Skasuta Purdna or Sim foiikd amfitci id fix, translated after tho t poet RAtfhiivii 31 tfkapteM, with 1844 rente*, in Sabpadt. li!. Sadaksbari Dora'* J! m FtWw, i, c, a lcgeml regarding aonio epieodna in the Hfo of tha Chohi king B & j a k e k h a r a— 14 chaptcra : iliiij.hed A.n. 1(L">7. sadak^ahari, a disciple of Chiku (chukka) Vlra daiika, atandn as a poet, according to my impmanion, higher than all tha other Konareeo poet* known tome, llu d:> Lowctot, is somewhat too Howeryand verbo»e,»ud he frequently nasa vary obeoouo language, fie introducos no verso in Ssfpudi. and in thin, m as in grammar and Tocablax, iinitnt«fl tho ancient poots. His buigiwgo is difficult, but a modal of wtactuesa, Saiva Littiratnm. By &aimai (whether all of them were Aradhya nrfthmans or not is doubtful] wan enmpoeed tin ful lowing works : — 1. BhakH Jti.iMdya.wn, by Sabajananda ', 107 Torses in &»tpo4k Tt has some good thoughts, 2. Anuhhavdmfita, by Sri llaEgn, son of Moh4* liHga of tha SaharJUi family, and n pupil of Sahaji- nanda guru. A very popular treatise on Vtid&nt- Uiu ; Bo§ verses ia Sa^padi 3. Chidakhfituli antibliatra mJra ; £3? Sat pad i Tartos on tho Yeduuta by Chidanand*. 4 Dnydna SfndAWj a Vcdantist treatise in Safpadi, 44} chapters, by Ghidinandiradhfita, wboae guru waa Chidananda. 5, Vivrkt Cliinfiimwti ; ten Prakararj'., Nijaguno. Sirayogi, on mattari regardtng the > T Iga- ms s ttfirt A puttai EJ I Si lepon igraph, Eoc ;m-::i!,'^, ~us lirara's attributes; then fullow iLl diriaionaof tho Ferfa. theu tho four divisions or ridas {vidhi vdSa, ariha vdda, mm,' ;4m»0* fihryft), then tho VwAISgiu, the CTjjaeeda*, Ac. It is oftoo too short to be of much use. 6. Sarrndnya's Putin*. Varsea that sometime a flipmos nontly tho wisdom of tho streets. The is 'IVip&tli, a kind or Knnarese verse with finOtj, (hnt is not often used. He telln his own story in the connhiding chapter. Kutiro copies of his work appear to bo rare.* 7, 3Ja3ga Raja's A'tynnnftif 8. Iftvnra Kovi'jt Kiirijihcdbifn&hana.X Vai#h*vim LUcrnturn. Works tlat fall uudur this heading aro of pnratively little inters t, ad IbOJi with thy cicep- iii>n of the Dian Pudtti, are mere translations of, or fxoo extracts from, Paurinika worka. L Jaimhii's W.f !„tcd hy T*-ifc«hmtsa of DuvunAr (Muiaur), sou of Aunama, of the Bharadv&jft family. It profc^fios to bo a translation of the Aivamedha parva of a work by Jaiminl Muni, the muni hairing givnn this description of Dkurma Baja's harse-aacrtftce to king Jatioms- jaya. It. (i in Sutpadi, and is written in a  ; but classical style; Ml ctiapters ocmtainirift 1P07 • A few^ene* of bl* «tfn tmri.U^l in th« J«jZ. A*L toI TT. (1873) pp. SS nqq. t An x-roanl ,f 1lii» «^ri the fnJ. Ant rol. L (1«73) up. o4S **jq. % tStfl tint alano&lnm Hn ion at iiw j(«LJaniuni ihsrydHO. p. TOT. t+jq. A Maityffci iiat«JianJ, which I hate wrer mu, u laid to trvst ofmalodifis (riyuj.