Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/34

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J*xr*»T. 1875,1 DKNCE AND MTftCELLA :•• 21 who is Li rootling over eighty subject* ift a fool i Hu who uses bod hujgiwge against hi* own mother is u great fool ;

  • be betrays i hi* lions* in which he hu eaten

is a foul ; IIn wlni nttnra cnS monies is a Tool j He who atfea the glorious Purondarft V i t h Alt with the whiio-lotua eyes and does not worship him ia b L fool, O im. According to many other hymns the Pursudaru Vfylmhi in idcmicel, for instnncA, with the Krishna idol* nl Paj&d»rip ur* rod Tirupati, in the laatmentioncd plow: being the Vt-nkutngiri or Pflrngiri or ticidiUdri on which ha dwell*, 9* K?i*httn Cliarif. on or Kara mohana taran- gini; 43 ch • 'h SfOfl tofim (tlw met«v or our manuscript being rcry irregular, I cannot toll ir Ln composed), by Kanaka Daso, Tlie second ohaptor bogi i it : ' ' T f I itho has uttered the work is the be»t, servant l',?<(#«) Kanaka ; ehe to whom ho has uttnrod it is hii wife, the very wise woman ; the lord of K*iam of KagineJe ; when a porjon hears it, virtue is obtain- ed." And toward* the end of tha work Kanaka DJUa says i Kiginelo'a ^Caraairohui* who I Adi Kojam, will cause tbo wishes of good people to bo fulfilled." Kanaka Do*a, " by the foronv K&ginvlo's Adi A"WmW composed also a Hftokti Sdra. 106 verses in 6a|p Of Sknric-e in prose 1 mention the iruuslatioua of the Sanskrit Paiiislml » >■<< >. Vddla Paikhaviiitfati, and Jlmnta Yitniati. 'l!ho Iran? Lit inn of Suku Suplatt is in &oftmdi ^ersca. Of stories in prow t may adduce atili the following, aa they are octal with a eonit- historical person,, til tolei about Kama Krishna of TeiuuUa. The work begin*, with saying that in Tenn&ta, to tbo north of Madrug, there was the Brahman boy BAma Krishna Once when a Sanyaai aaw him, he liked him ao nwnli that he taught him awumrra, teUEag hint to repent it thirteen qui] in a Kali temple, when the goddess with her thousand faces would appear to him and bestow a proper boon on him, if be did not lose hia courage, n y did of i 4, and KAh" appeared to him aa a female with a thousand faces and two Lands, Ha was anything hot afraid, and be; i laugh. K : " Why dust thou laugh ul mo r" Then said the boy i " Q mother, man has one ihmw and two huud.-< j but wlunuver ho catcher a cold* ho gets overmuch to do with blowir. g nose. Thou bant a thousand faces and a thoa- «ind uoeeti ; wyll, when it •oinatinuM happens thai thou catcbast a cold* how doat thou blow thy noses?" Then Kali otirsod him to become a prince'* jester. In course of time ha wunt to A u a g P n d i ,, ' r kka coun- try, where Krishna BAyn. with his minuter Appaji, ■ 1 1 rt of whom he played the ninsU o n trick* related in the work. 1 ;i lake our know- of Kanarusc Utarature more complete. OOBaBBPOBIJENCH Tii (he Editor 6/th« Indian Antiquary. Sut»— Sine* the poJblication, in jour Docomlwr number, of my concluding paper upon Castes in Puni and SolApnr, I hare roOMTod from a lio friend a letter oljjoottng to some state- ments made in k r«wpecting the native Christian*, of which 1 hope you will pufalieh 1 ho Mieloscdcopy. Tiio pasBsgcn omitt«l and indicated by ml- wcrvr purely peraoual, or inferred to names of persons and places whinh I think it unnceensary to publish, although entrusted with a discretion to da so, ■ran without the proofs advanced by my com flpomlcnt, I would LiaTe no hesitation in etyfpl- bg Id* anthority as superior to my own, and sources when re my original information waa desired, although theie wen w un» irorthy. It onlv remains for ma to odd that I used the word ■ Ultramontane' uiioply as the name of a p«Hy, for which 1 don't know any Othsr in general use, and without attaching to i ohjectionfthle eonse, and that the paper in question AND IflSCELLANEA. wan written several months ago. Had T wrtfcfii u now, after Mr, iiladstono's essay and pamphlet hare excited mens minds npon the suhject, I should c-rtdiilj lutro omitted Uw whole imssege, luring no desire to make the Antiquary a field of religious diucuaaiou, whale rer my prirate opinions way be. W, F. Set run. Mi okas Ms. StsciAin. •••»•••! or tnko cjieeption to the correctness of your nunnrkson the Catholics of Western India under the jurisdiction of the see of Gee. You say ( I ) that they are very much at one with the (so-called) Old Cutholira of Cwrmany, ud (S) that they are at hitter feud with the " Ultra- ny reprvboati^l by the Bishop of Bombay ami the Jasuft*- I hare had niceteen years" intimate persunal experienro of the con- ditirm of CftthoHcs of both jurisdictions* and gay confidently that you mistake in both these asser- tion. In March last there was an open» meeting in