Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/73

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60 THE IXDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FmnrsxT, 1975. composed lu the tame y«r bad in tho place. If I was unwilling lu dee/Jure myself far tl» idimiiry p| in-- bra wadta* Ghs iwim •wax. that I ran hi nut traeo in my MS. norao po^sajfes winch Homo oh and ra, in bli com- mentary on hi* own DesiAwao, ascribes to D b a, - n a p it 1 a - I I ..,v, however, lately I'ojiinl n second copy of the FtffoJotiAftf, which is jnoxo cocrwjl than the Jirsi. On looking over tho concluding vi-rsea in I hi* MS., 1 find that verse -.'-' contains a conundrum fin the ntithor'n nfisie of which i 1.) h u n a v A J a , the Pmlcrit form of J> h on up it lu . Tli« verse rans as follows ; — kaino andhajann kivii kuRftlatfi payanani OH tii mi vaujiJi | numiunua jut, so, kuina&o teucva rinuA i "By that poet this Dell has htam. compos J, in whose name tin- last RjlIahlBn of ton words

  • anDFIA, jaN"A kiVA kmuif.A ncmir in

«• I) liuno val a." "' "Audhojkinu aivfi stood to menu **» fool or a clover man." Thy r probably mean* tn convey tho i ilea that a fool won't find out his name, but that n clover man will. M7SCEIXANEA AND CORRESPONDENCE, mXDinSM AND llEvTI^T Itt Itlfl Sixth Anniversary Address illurtrvumg the eibtenco in Hinduism of faint traces «.f tho great truth* of Itavolni Boy. K. M. lion* ecrjea thus writes of " tho iutrroUihlo Will of tho Almighty flint without shedding of lilciod there if no rv mission of sin. Tl upeafa embedded in ancient Aryan tradition* — in it,. or ' hearings' of* our ancestors*" Tlml tin great religious duty according to the precepts af am* Lent .Brahman : mfTeriiigof sacrifices, is a notorious fact on which it in not necessary to say much. Next to the Jew n. 1 1m religion was most auiduouidy^ubiarred by this Bnkhman*- Namcs of word*. Tor Are, for tho whoso beltaif the j-acriliees were performed, I . hloh they were pi.trforiia-d. abound in language etymological ly derived from words implying sacrifico. No literal nw oootsins so many i > 'ailing to Hucrifickl ccreinome* m fianHkrit Koiyi iy| that I nd all Other nuppui alts of Buaancial ocre^ moniw. And it wsa n Mei'i^yped idea with tho Brandon of Hinduism thai animals were m for BSArlnOes. Norm Men ihn . con- sidered mere offerings of meat to certain cam itics, followed I'rillcers Jboraselves , as the practice of the pi day ri'frrcscntu the idea. The vicariouu Datura or the sacrlne** nppcari to have bean tin COmprohomlod by the promote, ol y institution in India. Tha saerifkor waa U4ieved himself by noanj of tho aaorUloe. The animal nacrinced was itxelf callwl the tam/tcc, boai 1 fur tho noul, Not only was the MOtiiOoO quite frw finnm the Hug incut for the carnal gratifies r any ■pceial deity, hut the Bacriflcial cercmuny. moat aaaidiionnly porforuwl accurding to an ela* boralo ritnab had nonecoaaory refcrcntv wlmtevw to any dfvino pr :,1t not tl" Piviniij, for the Sankhyne aud Mimam- aaki, who denied vueh a Divinity, were the mom uvaiduoui in the performance of tlicxo 'dotloa' b00ttHH Of their athaixm. To* OVOfl euivdiouy was performed without any corert notion of a pre- iiyugh thearr? ■-leiuentidor ertatm rtau nomehmv connected with U. The ceremony wa* : conaidcred a mygteriona Ojmj y;«rtri»jii— wlm h. ii only gi nr ihrLiuijh according to ralfr, inferred. Inaatng OKpooted. The ritnnl wnf , ih" 1 laology waa forgotten. And ihcrofm , Dmoacy ol the naerifice wna mltel t —or a mysteriouit powf -r. m We uboliah, i) D r myateriout effieney ui asrrince, all i-TOtda aftldne which ara for i of mortal* TJannorjea finds among his Aryan ancestor! rtCOTIeetJOnt, however distorted, of evcuti in naered huHory from the creation of the wnrld down to the dif| mankmd— Ol (1) ihe reoolk< brooding «a tha sarfaee or thu waters hi the of the t#y in tin- midst of chaoR in which Br.fth- m a wa» |iroduc«t , — i 1 * ) . . I ttec pronoi on the great dragon u* ^atan. m irj "I Nah ii t nn cmiiarly cursed Ibr hi«  pnrb, nnd ftacrilDgo to become a ser^j" belly— the name U nonding to the in Gcneslh nd for thai iqbtla c i of fJexl and msnt— <3) of the righte, whish man was originally longiiv 'toryorthuSatya Yuifu— of thodelugoJtw.]fm tha atory of Satyavroto and hi* ark resting on a mountain.