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1st March to 11th April, 1865; Acting Under Secretary to Government in the departments under the Chief Secretary, 19th April to 18th July 1865; Acting Head Assistant, Salem, from 29th July 1865: Justice of the Peace, 8th January 1866; Head Assistant Collector, Bellary; but to continue in Salem, 30th April to 8th June, 1866; Acted as Under Secretary to Government in the Revenue and other departments till August 1867; Confirmed as Under Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, 28th August 1867; Acting Sub-Secretary, Board of Revenue, 21st August to 21st November 1868; various other capacities till 1873; Proceeded to Europe on furlough, 13th October 1873 to 16th April 1874; Acting Collector of Sea Customs, Madras, till 27th April 1874; Acting District and Sessions Judge, Chingleput, 20th July 1874 to 13th August 1875; Acted in other capacities and again proceeded on furlough from 21st April 1879 to 19th April 1880; returned and was posted to Trichinopoly, 1880; Member, Rent Law Commission, 1882; Collector, Magistrate and Additional Judge, Nilgris, 1888; Offg. Judge, High Court, Madras, 1884; confirmed, 30th September 1884, retd. 1887. Address: c/o India Office, London.

Brazier-Creagh, Lieutenant-Colonel George Washington, C.M.G., R.A.M.C; b. 1860; s. of late George Washington Brazier Creagh, Woodville, Buttevant, and Creagh Castle, Doneraile, Co. Cork. Educ.: Trin. Coll. Dublin; Conducted Missions to S.E. Persia, 1893-4; to Seistan, Persia, 1896-7; made extensive explorations in the regions in Eastern Persia and Persian Baluchistan and opened up the Seistan-Nashki trade route; thanked by Government of India; accompanied Pekin Syndicate throughout North China, 1898-9; Served South Africa, 1899-1902; Royal Humane Medal. Recreations: steeplechasing, hunting, polo, shooting. Address: Woodville, Buttevant, Co. Cork. Club: Raleigh.

Brereton, Alfred, C.S.I., 1903; M.I.C.E.; b. 1849; s. of late Rev. Charles David Brereton, Rector of Framingham Earl, Norfolk; m. 1st, 1894, Haidee (d. 1902), e.d. of Col. Shaw (retired) of Heathburn Hall, Co. Cork; 2nd, 1908, Frances, d. of late D. Stewart of Ealing. Educ.: Norwich Grammar School; entered Railway Branch of the Indian Public Works Dept., 1873; Executive Engineer, 1880; Assistant Director, N.W. Railway, 1887; District Traffic Superintendent, 1888; Deputy Manager, 1891; Officiating Manager, Eastern Bengal State Railway, 1893; Manager and Engineer-in-Chief, East Coast Railway, 1893; Director of Railway Traffic and Deputy Secretary to Government of India (Railway Dept.), 1897; Secretary, 1901-1904; retired, 1904; Govt. Director, Guaranteed Railway Companies, 1905. Recreations: riding; Address: 24, Ashley Palace, S.W. Club: Oriental.

Brereton, Capt. Frederick Sadlier, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.D. Brux.; R.A.M.C., attached to Scots Guards; now engaged in writing books, b. 1872; s. of Franc Sadlier Brereton, late 2nd Batt. 60th Rifles, and Isabella Beeston; m. 1898. Ethel Mary Lamb, of Eskdale: Birkdale; one s. one d. Educ: Cranleigh; Guy’s Hospital; Gazetted Surg.-Lieut, Army Medical Staff, 1896, obtained first place