vent the spread of plague; succesfully induced the authorities to abolish the quarantine imposed on Indian Moslem pilgrims to Mecca; owns and edits the Advocate of India, Bombay, and also the Mahratti Journal known as Jagad Vritta. Address: Bombay, India.
Gordon, General Sir Thomas Edward, C.S.I. (1874), C.B. (1881), K.C.I.E. (1893), K.C.B. (1900), Indian Army (retired); b. 1832; educ: Scottish Naval and Military Academy; married twice; entered service in the Army, 1849; transferred to India and served in N.W.F. Campaign, 1851; Indian Mutiny, 1857-59; became Captain, 1859; Major, 1869; Lieutenant Colonel, 1875; Colonel, 1877; Afghan War, 1879-80; Major-General, 1886; Oriental and Military Secretary, Teheran, 1889; Lieutenant General, 1890; Military Attache, 1891-93; became General, 1894; has won the Jubilee and Coronation Medals. Publications: The Roof of the World; Persia revisited; A Varied Life. Address: 3, Prince of Wales Terrace, W. Club: United Service.
Gorden, General William, C.I.E. (1878); b. 1824; s. of late Adam Gordon of Cairnfield; educ: Addiscombe College; joined Army, 1841; arrived in India, same year; joined 49th Bengal N.I. 1842; was present at siege of Mooltan, 1848-49; was Ensign throughout the Mutiny as Brigade-Major (medal); District Inspector of Musketry, 1860-62; Chief Inspector of Musketry, Army Headquarters, 1862-63; re-appointed, 1868 and 1873; Brig-Gen. 1878; commanded Rawalpindi, Gwalior, and Peshawar districts; Maj-Gen, 1882; retired, 1883. Address: 9, Tavistock Road, Croydon, Surrey.
Gordon, Lt. Col. William Eagleson. V.C., Indian Army; b. 1866; s. of W. E. Gordon, M.D.; educ: at Edinburgh University; joined the Gordon Highlanders, 1888; served in Chitral Relief Expedition, 1895; Tirah expedition, 1897-8; Adjutant, 1st Battalian Gordon Highlanders throughout the S. African campaign, 1899-1902 (dangerously wounded at Magersfontein: V.C.); promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, 1907. Address: C/o India Office, London.
Gordon, Webster Boyle C.I.E. (1904) Secretary to Government of India, P.W. Department; s. of late William Gordon of Mallingar; b. 1859; educ: Coopers Hill; m. Rose Ethel, d. of Col. D. G. Fitcher. I.S.O. 1894; Sanitary Engineer to the Government of U.P. 1899-1901, Secretary to Indian Irrigation Commission, 1901-03; Director Irrigation Works, Cape Colony, 1903-07; Chief Engineer for Irrigation and Secretary to the Government of the Punjab, 1908-11; Secretary, P.W.D. Government of India, 1912. Address: Calcutta, India.
Gorst, Rt. Hon’ble Sir John Eldon, Kt. (1885), M.A., A.L. F.F.R.C., K.C,S.I. (1890), s. of E. J. Lovondes (formerly Gorst); b, Preston, 1835; educ; Preston Grammar School, and St. John’s College, Cambridge; 3rd Wrangler, 1857; M.A., 1860; Called to Bar (Inner Temple), 1865; Civil Commissioner, Waikats, New Zealand, 1861-62; Solicitor General, 1885-86; Under Secretary for India, 1886-1891; Financial Secretary to Treasury, 1891-92; M.P. for Cambridge, 1866-68; for Chatham, 1875-1892; Deputy Chairman of Committee, House of Commons, 1888-91; Lord Rector,