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Kashipur Thakur.

Kashipur, Raja of; Udai Raj Singh; b. 1S83; succeeded, 1898; claims descent from Pahar Singh, younger son of Raja Baz Bahadur Chand; Estate comprises of 46 villages in Naini Tal, and 156 in Bijnor; Title of Raja recognized as hereditary, since 1828. Address: Kashipur, Naini Tal, India.

Kashmir and Jummu, Major-General H.H. Sir Partab Singh Indar Mahindar Bahadur Sipar-i-Saltant. G.C.S.I. Maharaja of; (See Jammu and Kashmir)

Kasimbazar, Maharaja of; Manindra Chandra Nandi; 1860; succeeded Rani Saronmay, 1897; is an able administrator taking a keen interest in all public movements; is a liberal contributor to all Charitable and philathropic works; title of Maharaja conferred as personal distinction, 1898; same title has been conferred on his heir and successor, subject to the confirmation of the local Govenment; represented the landowners in the Bengal Legislative Council; owns estate in the Ballia district of the United Provinces; enjoys a gross annual income of about 16 Lakhs. Address; Kasimbazar, Bengal Presy., India.

Kasinath, Ramachandra Godboie, Dewan Bahadur, Poona; elected Member, Legislative Council Bombay; formulated a scheme of tramway traction to suit the increased requirements of traffic in Poona. Address: Poona, India.

Katrak, Dr. Nanabhai Navroji, Bombay; b, 1858; educ: Elphinstone High School, and the Grant Medical College, Bombay; is a well known medical practitioner; Member of the Bombay Corporation; an ardent Member of the Indian Medical Congress, Calcutta. Publications: “Metera Medica of India and their Therapeutics”. Address: 462, Grant Road, Bombay, India.

Keary, Major-General Henry D’ubran, D.S.O. (1900), C.B. (1911), commanding Garhwal Brigade, Lansdowne; b, Holkham, Norfolk, 1857; 4th s, of late Hall William Keary; m, Mabel Louisa, d, of late Col. Malcolm Lloyd, 1906; educ: Marlborough; Joined the Army as Sub-Lieut. Sandhurst, 1875-1876; 2nd Batt, Suffolk Regiment. 1876; appointed to Indian Staff Corps, 1876; Lieutenant, 1877; served with 1st Madras Infantry, 1876-83, and with it took part in Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal); with Madras Pioneers, 1883-85; through Burmese Campaign to end of operations including annexation (despatches, medal); Captain, 1888; raised and commanded a military Police Battalion, 1887-92 (clasp) commanded a company of mounted infantry in the rebellion of the Wuntho State, 1891 clasp, and D.S.O.; Northern Chin Hills, 1892-93 (despatches. Brevet majority); Major, 1897; China, 1901 (despatches); become Colonel, 1906; A.D.C. to H.M. the King, 1907. Recreations: shooting, fishing. Address: Rurki, India. Club: East India United Service.

Keeling, High Trowbridge, A.M.I.C.E. Chief Engineer, Delhi; b. 1865; joined service, 1887; arrived in India, 1888: First appointed us Assistant Engineer, Madras; Executive Engineer, Kishna, 1894; services transferred to Educational Department as Principal, College of Engineering, Madras, 1904; Superintending Engineer, Madras, 1910; on special duty