Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/293

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in India, 1879; A.D.C. to late Empress Victoria, 1870-81; Member of the Council of India, 1883-93; British Commissioner for the demarcation of the N.W. Boundary of Afganistan, 1884-5; D.L. J.P. for the Counties of Aberdeen and Bauff. Publication: Lumsden of the Guides, 1889. Address: Buckromb-Dufttown, Bauffshir. Club: United Service.

Lunawada, Rajah of; Maharana Sri Sir Wakhat Singhji; K.C.I.E. (1889); b. 1860; succeeded to gaddi, as a minor, 1867; educ: at the Rajkuraar College, Rajkot; formally installed, 1880; has power to try his subjects for capital offences; is entitled to a salute of 9 guns; claims descent from a Rajput dynasty whose ancestors are believed to have established themselves at Virpur long ago; the State came under British control in 1886; area of the State, 388 square miles; population, 60,000; revenue, nearly 2 lakhs; pays a tribute of Rs. 14,232 jointly to the British and the Gaekwar of Baroada. Address: Lunavada, Rewa Kantha Agency, Kathiawar, India.

Lyall, Sir Charles James, M.A., L.L.D., K.C.S.I., (1897) C.I.E., (1880), I.C.S., (retired); b. 1845; s. of late Charles Lyall of Sussex Gardens, W; m. Lawrence Lyall, d. of Henry Fraser, 1870; educ: Kings College School, and Balliol College, Oxford; joined service, 1867; became Under Secretary to Government, N. W. Provinces, 1871-72; Under Secretary to Government of India in Revenue, Agriculture, and Commerce Department, 1876-80; Secretary to Chief Commissioner, Assam, 1880-83; Judge and Commissioner, Assam Valley Districts, 1883-84; Secretary to Government of India, 1886; again Secretary to Chief Commissioner, Assam, 1887; Judge and Commissioner of Assani Valley Districts, 1888-89; Secretary to Government of India, 1889-94; Chief Commissioner, Assam, 1894; Chief Commissioner, Central Provinces, 1895-98; Secretary, India Offie, 1898-1910. Publications: Translations of Ancient Arabic Poetry; edition of 10 Ancient Arabic Poems; articles in Encyclopaedia Britanica. Address: S.S. Cornwall Gardens, S.W. Club: Athenaeum.

Lyall, Lady Cora; widow of the Right Hon’ble Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall P.C, G.C.I.E., K.C.B., etc., formerly Secretary to Government of India (Home Department). Address: 18, Queen’s Gate, London, S.W.

Lyall, David Robert, C.S.I.,(1891); b. Ouchterlony House, Forfarshire, N.B., 1841; e.s. of late David Lyall; m. Laura Agnus, d. of late Major-General W. J. B. Knyvett, 1866; educ: Edinburgh Academy; joined service; in Bengal, 1861; acted in various lower grades and became Inspector General of Police, L.P., 1883-87; Commissioner of Chittagong, 1887-91; Commissioner of Patna, 1891-92; Member, Board of Revenue and Legislative Council, 1892-96; retired, 1896; Civil Political Officer with Chin Lushai Expedition, 1888 (medal and clasp); President of Committee to inquire into Military and Public Works expenditure, Simla, 1894; Superintendent, Kooch Bihar State, 1896-99. Recreations: