Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/300

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M.A., 1881; M.B. and C.M., 1885; joined I.M.S., 1886; in military department till 1889; transferred to Civil department where he rose to be Inspector-General of Prisons; Member, Indian Factory Labour Commission, 1907-08; Member, Legislative Council, U.P., 1909. Recreations: Shooting. Address: Lucknow, U.P., India; Dalintober House, Campbeltown, Argylshire.

Maddon, Hon’ble Mr. Stuart Cockwood, M.A., C.S.I., (1912); s. of late Rev. R. H. Maddon; b. 1866; educ: Fetts College, Worchester College, Oxford; m. Violet, d. of late Brig-Surgeon Colonel Meadows, I.M.S; joined I.C.S., 1887; Settlement Officer, Orissa, 1892-99; Director, Land Records and Agriculture, Bengal, 1903-09, Secretary, Board of Revenue, Bengal, 1905-09; Chair man, Calcutta Corporation, since 1909. Address: 25, Camac Street, Calcutta. Club: East India United Service.

Madhan, Thakur of; Randhir Chand; b. 1887; succeeded to the estate, 1905; enjoys full powers, but sentence of death requires confirmation of the Superintendent, Simla Hill States; area of the estate, 9 square miles; population, 3,704; revenue, Rs. 6,000; pays a tribute of Rs. 250 to Keonthal State. Address: Madhan, Simla Hill States, Punjab, India.

Madana Monana Sinha, Zemindar of Dharakota. (See Dharakota.)

Madnavan Nair, Dr. T. (See Nair, Dr. T. M..)

Madhava Rao Bajse, Colonel Deodiwala, Rao Bahadur, (1838); Commander, Infantry Brigade, Baroda State Army; b. 1857; educ: Indore; Lieutenant, 1st Battery of Artillery, 1877; attached to 17th Lancers, Mhow; passed the necessary tests at the Army Veterinary Schoal, Poona; promoted to the rank of Major and given command of the Battery; officiated as General Commanding the Indian Army; deputed to represent Indore State at the Viceregal Durbar at Rawalpindi on the occasion of the visit of H.M. the Amir of Afghanistan, 1885; joined Baroda State Service, 1886; was Remount Agent, Colonel of the Cavalry and Military Brigades, etc.; was attached to the Staff of General Sir William Lockhart in the Frontier Expedition, 1897 (medal with two clasps). Address: Baroda, India.

Madhava Rao, Harihar, also known as Shrimant Baba Sahib:(Junior); b. 1889; educ: Rajkumar College, Rajkot; area of the State, 218 square miles; pupulation, 40,000; revenue, 4 lakhs; first class Sirdar with powers to try his subjects for capital offences. Address: Miraj, Bombay Presidency, India.

Madhava Rao, Visvanath Patankar, B.A., C.S.I (1908), Diwan of Baroda; belongs to an ancient Mahratta brahmin family of Satara, who are believed to have emigrated and settled in the district of Tanjore long ago; b. Mysore, 1850; educ: Government College, Kumbakonam; passed B.A., 1869; joined the staff of a newspaper at Trichinopoly; resigned and joined Mysore Service as deputy clerk; occupied successively the post