Association of America, and the establishment of a Bureau of Publicity for advertising the merits of the product and by product of the seeds crushed; issued a report on the survey of the Oil Pressing Industry for which he has been warmly thanked by Bombay Government. Address: Bombay, India.
Pandit, V. R., M.A., Rai Bahadur; elected Member, Imperial Legislative Council representing the Central Provinces. Address: Nagpur, C.P., India.
Panna, Maharaja of; H.H. Maharaja Manendra Vathavendra Singh; b. 1894; succeeded to gaddi after the deposition of his cousin, 1903; educ: Mayo College, Ajmere; during his minority, the State was administered by Kazi Khalil-ud-din Ahmed of the U.P. Provincial Service assisted by a Council under the supervision of the Political Agent in Bundlekand; the State rendered valuable help to the British in the Mutiny of 1857 for which the then Raja received a Khilat of the value of Rs. 20,000 and the Pargana of Simeria and was also granted a Sanad of adoption; area, 3,000 sq. miles; maintains a force of 30 cavalry, 150 infantry, and 20 guns. Address: Panna, Central India.
Panna Lal, B.A., (Allahabad and Camijridge), M.A., (Calcutta), B.Sc, (Allahabad), LL.B., (Allahabad and Cambridge), I.C.S.; b. 1883: educ: first in the Punjab and the N.W.F. Province, then at the Agra College; was sent as a Government of India Scholar to Cambridge and was a Foundation Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge; called to Bar (Gray’s Inn); Chairman of the Municipalities of Amroha and Chandausi; joint Magistrate of Muradabad; owns extensive landed property. Recreations: Archaeology, Polo, and Pig-Sticking. Address: Muradabad, U.P., India.
Panna Lalji, H. E. Rai, C.I.E. (1887), Prime Minister, Udaipur State; s. of late Matha Muralidhar; b. 1843; personal title of Rai granted, 1877; married a daughter of Rai Chhaga Lai. Address: Udaipur, Rajputana, India.
Paonasker, Krishna Rao Luxman, M.A., Dewan Bahadur, Dewan of Kishangarh State; b. 1871; graduated with Honours in Physics and Chemistry; passed M.A., 1891; joined service as Tutor and Private Secretary to H.H. the Raja of Rutlam; served as a Professor of Mathematics and .Science, Government College, Ajmere; Tutor to the Maharaja of Kishnagar, 1891-1903; the first Indian Assistant to the Principal of Mayo College, Ajmere; Honorary Magistrate and Member of Municipality, Ajmere; appointed Dewan, 1906. Address: Kishengarh, Rajputana, India.
Paranjpe, Ragunath Purushotham, M.A. (Cantab), B.Sc. (Bombay); b. Murdi, Rathanagiri Dt., 1876; ediie: S.P.G. Mission School, Dapoli; the Maharatta High School and the Furguson College, Poona; secured tbe ‘Gibb’s Prize’ in Physics; Fellow, Furguson College, 1894-96; proceeded to England as a Government of India’s Scholar; joined St. John’s College, Cambridge, and passed Mathematical