Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/363

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the families of Malioli and Katesar; estate is comprised of 186 villages and 21 pattis in the district of Shajahanpur; the estate having become heavily encumbered was taken over by the Court of Wards at the request of the Raja and was released, 1906; title of Raja has been recognised by the Government. Address; Pawayan, Shajahanpur, Bengal Presidency, India.

Payagyur, Raja of; Bindashwari Pashaoth Singh; b. 1890; succeeded to title, 1905; belongs to Janvar class of Rajputs; estate comprises 149 villages and 8 patties in Bahraich, and two villages and one patti in Gonda; title recognised as hereditary, 1864. Address: Payagyur, U.P., India.

Pears, Stewart Durand, P.W.D. Madras (retired); b. 1859; joined service as Assistant Engineer, 1880; acted in that capacity in various places; became Engineer for Irrigation and Tank Restoration Scheme, 1887; Executive Engineer, 1890; Superintendent of Works, No. 1 Divn., Periyar Projects; President, Corporation of Madras, 1902; Superintending Engineer, 1907; Superintending Engineer and Joint Secretary to Government (Irrigation Branch), 1912; retired, 1913. Address: Monteith Road, Egmore, Madras, India.

Pease, Col. Henry Thomas, C.I.E. (1907) V.D., Principal, Veterinary College, Lahore; s. of Frederick Robert Pease of Yorkshire; b. Kesholore, Yorkshire, 1862; educ: St. Edmund College, Old hallgreen, and Royal Veterinary College, London; joined the Army Veterinary Corps, 1S84; transferred to Civil Veterinary department where he rose to the position of Inspector General; joined the Punjab Light Horse as a Trooper, 1897; received a commission; was Adjutant for 4 years; commanded the Regiment since 1912; Deputy District Grandmaster of the Craft in the Punjab; Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch; is a Past Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of England; Provincial Grand Marshall in the K.P.; m. Saila Manor, d. of Col. W. R. Stoppard, late 5th Bombay Cavalry; one son and two daughters. Publication: Many Professional and text books. Recreations: Shooting and Fishing. Address: Lahore, Punjab. Clubs: United Service.

Pedler, Sir Alexander, F.R.S., C.I.E. (1901), Director of Public Instruction, Bengal (retired); s. of late John Standbury Pedler of Drilwich; b. 1819; educ: City of London School and at the Royal College of Chemistry, London; joined service, 1873; Meteorological Reporter to Bengal Government, 1889; Principal, Presidencv College, Calcutta, 1896; Director of Public Instruction, Bengal, 1899; Additional Member, Supreme Legislative Council, 1903; Vice-Chancellor, Calcutta University, 1904; retired, 1906. Address: 28, Stanhope Gardens, London.

Pell, Lt-Col. Beauchamp Tyndall, D.S.O. (1900); y.s. of Rev. H. Beauchamp; St. J. Pell of Ickenham; b. 1866; educ: Wellington College; joined service in the Army, 1887; m. Alice Mary, 3rd d. of J. S. Beresford; became Major.,1906: