Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/469

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1908; estate comprises 236 villages in Gorakhpur, 4 in Basti, 42 in Gaya, 4 in Chapra and 79 in Muzafarpur. Address: Tamkubi, Padrauna, Gorakpur, U.P.

Tampi, Madhavan M., Member, Travancore Legislative Council, since 1913; Address: Padmanabhapuram, Travancore State.

Tarkabhushan, Pramatha Nath; Mahamohopadhyaya, (1911) Oriental Scholar. Address Calcutta.

Taroch, Thankur of; Surat Singh; b. 1887; succeeded, 1903; belongs to an ancient Rajput family to whom Taroch was granted by the Raja of Sirmoor; area of the estate, 67 square miles; population, 5,000; revenue, Rs. 59,000. Address: Taroch, Simla Hill States, Punjab, India.

Tasadduk Rus Khan; See Jahanjirabad.[1]

Tashim-ud-din, Hon’ble Ahmed; Khan Bahadur (1910); formerly Member of the Legislative Council, East Bengal and Assam. Address: Rangpur, Bengal, India.

Tata, Sir Dorabji Jamsetji, Kt., (1910); B.A., Senior partner, Tata Sons & Co., Bombay; b. 1859; s. of late Jamsetji Nusservanji Tata; educ: Bombay; Caius College, Cambridge; m. Mehrbai; d. of H. J. Bhaba, formerly of the Mysore Educational service, 1898. Address: Esplanade House, Waudby Road, Fort, Bombay. Clubs: Royal, Ripon, Asian, Orient Parsi Gymkhana.

Tata, Ratan; Partner, Tata Sons & Co., Ltd., Bombay; Chairman of Indian Hotels Co., Ltd., Bombay; Director of Tata, Ltd., London; Tata Iron and Steel Works, Bombay; the Tata Hydro-Electric Power .Supply Co., Ltd., India; besides various Cotton spinning and Weaving Mills, and other Industrial concerns in India; b. Bombay, 1871; y.s. of Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata; m. Naja; y.d. of Ardesir Morwaniji Sett, 1892; educ: St. Xavier’s College.Bombay; owns lead mines in Wales, and land and house property in Bombay; much interested in land development and building. Recreations: Travelling, Gardening, Riding, Tennis. Address: York House, Twickenham, Middlesex; Tata House, Bombay. Clubs: Carlton, Queen’s, Automobile of France, Paris: Western India Turf, Bombay.

Taw Sein Ko, I.S.O., K.I.H.; Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma Circle (retired); b. 1864 s. of Taw Sun, merchant, Bhamo m. 1889, Ma Mya (d. 1910); d. of Tan Tun, merchant, Rangoon; educ: Christ’s College, Cambridge, Burmese and Pali Lecturer, Rangoon College, 1882-85; Assistant Translator, Senior Translator, Cambridge University, 1892-93; Translator and Assistant Secretary to the Government of Burma, 1894-96; at Peking and other parts of China, 1897-98; Translator, Archaeologist, Adviser on Chinese Affairs, and Assistant Secretary to the Government of Burma, 1898-1905; stationed at Bhamo as Warden of the Burmo-Chinese frontier during the Boxer rebellion of 1900; Publications: Maha Janaka Jataka; Element-

  1. No Counterpart found.