Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/567

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called ‘Honourable’. Unmarried: they are addressed as ‘The Hon. A — B — ’, with Christian and surname. They retain the title ‘Hon’. after marriage, the wife of a commoner being ‘The Hon. Mrs’. with husband’s surname, the wife of a knight or baronet being ‘The Hon. Lady, with husband’s surname. Begin ‘Madam’; refer to as ‘Your Ladyship’, if so entitled by marriage. If a higher rank is conferred by the husband, the title of course corresponds. Baron’s Son. — All the sons are ‘Honourable’, with Christian name and surname. In Scotland, the eldest son is addressed as ‘The Hon. the Master of (peerage title)’, or ‘;The Hon. (John), Master of’. Begin: ‘Sir’. The wife of a Baron’s son is ‘The Hon. Mrs’. with husband’s surname or both Christian name and surname. Begin: ‘Madam’. If the daughter of an earl, marquis, or duke, she must be addressed accordingly. Baroness. — Address: ‘The Right Hon. the Baroness — ’, or ‘The Right Hon. Lady — ’, or ‘The Lady — ’, Begin ‘Madam;' refer to as ‘Your Ladyship’.

Baronet. — Address: ‘Sir A — B — ’, Bart., giving Christian name and surname. The Christian name must be given; it is quite wrong to speak, for instance, of ‘Sir Vernon Harcourt’ where ‘Vernon’ is merely one of the surnames. Begin: ‘Sir’. A baronet’s wife is addressed as ‘Lady’ with husband’s surname (her Christian name would also be used if the daughter of a duke, marquis, or earl, and in this case she would also be ‘Right Hon.’). Begin: ‘Madam;' refer to as ‘Your Ladyship’. Bishop of the Churches of England or Ireland. — Address: ‘The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of — ’. or ‘The Right Rev. A — B — , Lord Bishop of — ’, or simply ‘The Lord Bishop of — ’. Begin; ‘My Lord Bishop;' refer to as ‘Your Lordship’. In formal documents a bishop is styled ‘The Right Reverend Father in God, John, By Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of — ’. The Bishop of Meath and the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church are styled ‘Most Reverend’; The Bishop of Madras is ‘The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Madras’ but the Bishop of Calcutta being a Metropolitan is ‘The Most Reverend’. A retired Bishop is still addressed as ‘Right Reverend’ and ‘My Lord’. In America, the form of address to a Bishop is generally The “Right Rev. A. B.” Bishop’s wives have no special title in right of their husband’s office.

Canon. — address: ‘The Rev. Canon — ’. Begin: ‘Reverend Sir’.

Cardinal. — The special title is ‘His Eminence’. Begin: ‘Your Eminence’.
