Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/121

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Jim Ross, after the Indians shot him up, lost all conscious- ness. After the Indians had all left he came to, but was afraid to move. He thought there might be some Indians near at hand. Finally he gained courage and moved. He could not move his feet or his hands. He thought that strange. He then saw that both his legs were broke below the knees and both of his wrists was broke. He did not know what to do.

U. S. soldiers on the lookout for an attack by the Modocs, at a picket station in the Lava Beds.

Finally he tried to crawl on his knees and elbows, which he did. He then started on his journey to Gillem's camp, which he thought he never would reach, but I heard him say: "I made up my mind I might just as well die in my attempt to reach my comrades as to die where the Modocs had left me for dead." My kind and gentle reader, it may seem to you that this yarn is shallow, but nevertheless, it is the truth. Jim.