Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/124

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hide, which I did in a crevice. I had not been hidden very long till an Indian jumped on the edge of the crevice. I pulled up on that buck; when I fired he leaped up in the air about fifteen feet. I plugged him right where he lived. You bet I did. I know I plugged him. He was not five feet from me. I am satisfied, boys, I got my Indian. I am ready to die. T

Capt. Jack's stronghold in the Lava Beds. Notice the Modoc rock fortifications; X shows Sergeant or Lieut. J. M. Ross, 21st Inf., standing close by the same with some other soldiers. Photo by Muybridge, 1873. This is the photographer who in- vented moving pictures at Governor Stanford's ranch, Palo Al- to, California.

know I cannot live. What good would I be to myself or any- one else, handless and footless?"

My mother Tobey did all she could for him to make him comfortable, but in vain. He was beyond human aid. He died just ten days after his wounds was dressed. I was there