Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/189

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Q. "Were you present at the death of General Canby:"

A. "Yes."

Hooker Jim, a Modoc Indian, a witness for the prosecu- tion, testified as follows :

O. "What is your English name?"

A. "Hooker Jim."

Q. "Were you present when General Canby was killed?"

A. "I was."

O. "Did you know that he and the Commissioners were to be killed?"

A. "I did."

Q. "Are you now a friend to Capt. Jack?"

A. "I have been a friend to Jack, but he got mad at me for something unknown to me."

Q. "Have you ever had a quarrel or fight with him?"

A. "I had a quarrel and a little fight with him over to Dry Lake, beyond the Lava Beds."

Q. "How did you know that the Commissioners were going to be killed?"

A. "I heard Capt. Jack and Schonchin talking about it."

Q. "Where were they when you heard them?"

A. "At Capt. Jack's house or cave."

By COMMISSION: "What part were you detailed in, if any, in murdering the Commissioners?"

A. "I tried to get Dyar but failed. I shot at him many times."

Q. "Had you agreed to kill one of the parties before the attack?"

A. "I said I would kill one of them if I could."

Q. "Do you like Capt. Jack now or dislike hirr ?"

A. "I don't like him- very much now."

William or Whieum, known afterwards as Faithful Wil- liam, was next called for the prosecution and was sworn. He testified as follows :

Q. BY JUDGE ADVOCATE: "What is your name?"

A. "Whieum."

Q. "Were you with the Modocs in the Lava Beds?"