Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/228

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already been the theatre of many bloody encounters between the races.

Winema, a bright and courageous Modoc girl, a cousin to Kientpoos or Captain Jack, who was afterwards famous as the leader of the Modoc rebellion of 1872-3, had become his companion, and together they spent most of their time in the lake country, largely with or in the vicinity of her people, the Modocs. Before the Modoc outbreak, which occurred on the morning of November 29, 1872, at the stone bridge on Lost River, some t\vo miles or so below- where the town of Merrill has since been located, Frank and Winema, who had loyally cast their fortunes \vith old Chief Schonchin in favor of peace, did all they were able to prevent the insurrection of Captain Jack.

After the war came, their efforts were faithfully continued to uphold the authority of the government and to maintain the influence with his people of old Chief Schonchin, who was as firm as a rock in his adherence to the treaty of 1864. Wi- nema's own brother, Charley Riddle, a sub-chief of the Mo- docs, was a strong supporter of the old chief as long as he lived. * * *

Were it in order to do so, I could detail at greater length the story of those tragic days, illustrating the struggles of the early days when, through trials, dangers and privations our beautiful lake country was won for peace, development and civilization, so that all might see that lessons of loyalty and self-sacrifice and heroic devotion to law and government can be learned from the humble frontiersmen who have helped to open and subdue the wilderness.

Such a frontiersman was Frank Riddle. Though his life was humble and his sphere limited, he lived an honest, temper- ate life, was kind and true to his family and friends, and did good and true work for all in the darkest days that ever came to the Klamath country.

The foregoing sketch I have written by request of Jefferson C. Riddle, the only son and child of Frank and Winema, whose devotion to his parents has always been well