Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/29

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The old man was headstrong; he called in his men; he told them to go with him one and all. "Do not listen to what my hoy says; he is young; he cannot lead me." The boy raised to his full height, faced his father and his men, and said, "Men, do not listen to my destructive father; he seeks the lives of all of us. If you do what he wants you to do; that is, kill innocent people, we are all doomed. The wise boy touched the hearts of the braves and only a few followed their chief.

Jack's father and Legugyakes met on the little hill and there sealed the lives of the poor emigrants. After supper the white people in camp sat around their campfires and, I suppose, talked about the new country they were going to, and about their homes that they had left behind, little sus- pecting at that time, that there was a strong body of half- naked savages watching their campfires, and wishing it \vas near daylight. The white men dropped off one by one to their beds to dream about their new homes they intended to build for their families. The fires went out one by one. At last the last fire died out, which the Indians noticed with glee. The emigrants had no guard out. They all slept the sound sleep of death.

About midnight some of the emigrants' horses got scared and snorted. None of the whites took any notice of it. The Indians were just a short distance from their sleeping vic- tims. The dawn of daylight found the Indians within striking- distance. They whispered to one another to lay down when it got good and light. One or two whites were up. They had just started the fires .to burning good. All at once about fifteen Indians jumped at the white men, howling like wolves.

The two men were struck down before they realized what was the matter. Nearly half of the white people were killed or wounded before they offered battle. Some of them were half asleep when they were shot with poisoned arrows. At last the emigrants rallied. They got their guns and com- menced shooting. The Indians retreated, leaving their dead behind. The white man's aim was good. After the Indians retreated to a safe distance, they got together and held a