Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/73

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Canby: 'Thank you, Tobey; tell Jack we will now proceed right."

Schonchin: "Canby, if you are a man, which I hope you are to be, do not talk about the past. If I wanted to, I could tell you of things that has happend lately that is not good."

Canby: "Schonchin, tell me about some of the things that you have reference to."

Schonchin: "I do not want to, Canby, for the simple reason you cannot tell of anything that we did that will compare with what your people had done in your native land in the past."

Capt. Jack: "General, if we are to see which one of us are the best talker, we will now commence. You say we are not to have a home in our country because we killed some settlers."

Canby: "Yes. You see, Jack, the settlers would never treat you right, but if you will give up your men that murdered the settlers we might make arrangements so you could live in this country."

Jack: "General, will you give up your men to me that shot our women and children?"

Canby (laughing): "Why, Jack, you have no law. Only one law can live at a time."

Capt. Jack: "I will tell you what I will do. Canby, if I give up my men that killed the settlers, let them be tried with you law, will you give up your men that shot our women and children and let them be tried by your law?"

Canby: "No; our men that killed your squaws and children did it in war."

"Jack: "So did my men when the settlers were killed; it was in time of war."

Meacham: "It is getting late. I think we had better quit for the day. Maybe in our next council we will be able to come to terms."

Schonchin: "I have my doubts. If you Peace Commissioners have not got the power to do anything for us Muckluxs[1] (Indians), I cannot see what good you can do towards

  1. Muckluxs, meaning Modoc people or Indians.