Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/91

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, too!"

Jack offered his hand to Tobey, which she took. Jack said : "My brave woman friend, no one shall hurt you in my presence. They step over my dead body first. You are a true Modoc. You have proved it today. Some one told you a mistake. We are not going to kill any one if everything goes right. You tell them peace-makers that we will be at the tent early tomorrow, six of us, unarmed. Nothing will happen if they talk sense to me. Now, Tobey, it is getting late. Get on your horse, and go back to your husband and boy. I detail these eight men, your friends, to escort you within talking dis- tance of the soldiers' camp. Some of the boys will be over to your camp tomorrow morning same as usual. Do not think hard of my words I spoke to you a little while ago. I was mad."

Tobey : "Thank you, Jack, but these men don't have to go with me as my escort." "Let them go, Tobey. Some of my men has evil hearts." Tobey waved her hand to the people and started for Gillenr s camp ; four braves ahead of her horse and four behind, their guns slung carelessly over their shoulders, every one of them accompanied Tobey right to her tent. Frank Riddle invited them all to Charley La Booth's restaurant where they ate a hearty meal and immediately departed for their caves in the Lava Beds.

Meacham, soon as he found out that Tobey had got back safe, came over, told Tobey to come over to his tent and tell him, General Canby, and the others what her experience had been since she left that day noon with Jack and his warriors. They went to Meacham's tent together. The writer, of course, went too. Tobey told the above mentioned gentlemen all that took place, everything that Jack said, and done, and everything that she did, and said. Canby said : "Mrs. Riddle, I congratu- late you on your safe return ; we shall see what the husky Capt. Jack will do tomorrow at our council."

Tobey said, "Canby, take my word; do not go; you will be killed. I know that these Modocs will kill all of us tomorrow if we go. They may not kill me, but I am afraid of them. They are sure that the soldiers are going to attack them soon as they get their orders from Washington. You see, t