Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/264

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Reinforcements reach Kánhpur.

reinforcements were held out to him he would continue to hold Kánhpur, otherwise he would be forced to retire on Allahábád. The reply of Sir Colin was of a nature to decide him to remain at Kánhpur.

Since the 3d of August reinforcements, in small parties, had been gradually arriving at that station. Outram himself came only on the 16th of September, This illustrious man had reached Allahábád on the 2d of that month, and had despatched thence, on the 5th, to Kánhpur the 5th Fusiliers, Eyre's battery of eighteen-pounders, and had started himself the same evening with the 90th. On the way up Eyre, with 160 infantry and two guns, crushed a body of insurgents who had crossed over from Oudh with the view of cutting Outram's communications. This action completely cleared the road, and enabled Outram to reach Kánhpur with the much-needed reinforcements on the 16th.

His first act illustrated the character of the man. Feeling that, under extraordinary difficulties, Havelock had made a most daring attempt to relieve the garrison of the Lakhnao Residency, and that but for his own arrival that general would have been enabled to renew the attempt under favourable conditions, he resolved that the credit of the relief should still belong to him above all others. He therefore on his arrival issued a divisional order, in which he declared that, 'in gratitude for, and admiration of, the brilliant deed of arms achieved by Brigadier-General Havelock and his gallant troops,' he, Outram, 'will cheerfully waive his rank in favour of that officer on this occasion, and will accompany the force to Lakhnao in his civil capacity, as Chief Commissioner of Oudh, tendering his military services to Brigadier-General Havelock as a volunteer.'

This generous offer was accepted in fitting terms by Havelock.