Page:The Industrial Arts of India.djvu/194

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informed, the gold is sprinkled in the form of dust on the pattern previously prepared with size.

The calicoes Dr. Forbes Watson classifies as (a) plain cali- coes, bleached and unbleached, made all over India ; (b) cali- coes woven with colored thread, comprising, first, susis and bests, striped cloths of brilliant hue, made largely in the Panjab and Sindh, and also at Surat, Palamcottah, Cuddalore, and other places in Madras, and used chiefly for trouserings ; second, also striped, manufactured in Nipal and Pegu, and used for skirts ; and third, checks and tartans, used also for skirts and petticoats, and manufactured at Ludianah, Baroach, Tanjore, Cuddalore, Masulipatam, and other places in Madras; and (c) printed cali- coes [chintzes, pintadoes ], first on a white ground, manufactured at Fattehgarh, Masulipatam, and Arcot, &c. ; second, printed on a colored ground, manufactured at Shikarpur, Agra, Fattehgarh, Bijapur, Bellary, Arcot, and Ponneri, in Madras ; and third, the celebrated palampores , or “ bed-covers,” of Masulipatam, Fateh- garh, Shikarpur, Hazara, and other places, which in point of art decoration are simply incomparable. As art works they are to be classed with the finest Indian pottery, and the grandest carpets. Lastly, Dr. Forbes Watson classes together the miscellaneous cotton fabrics, chiefly made for Anglo-Indian use, such as the pocket-handkerchiefs of Nellore ; the damask and diaper table- cloths, napkins, and towels of Madras, Salem, Masulipatam, Cud- dalore, and Baroach ; and the counterpanes and quilts of Karnul, Hydeiabad in the Dakhan, and Ludianah.


Lace-work has only recently been introduced into India, but the natives show a singular aptitude for it, and the excellent samples of it in cotton, silk, and gold and silver thread among the Prince of Wales' presents from Tinnevelly and Nagarcoil in Madras leave nothing to be desired either in design or manipulation.