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Harper d- Brothers' Popular Novels. DICKENS'S (Charles) Works— Continued. rickwick Papers Paper $1 00 Cloth 1 50 Pictures from Italy, Sketches by Boz, American Is'^otes ...Paper 1 00 Cloth 1 50 The Old Curiosity Shop . . Paper $ 75 Cloth 1 25 Uncommercial Traveller, Hard Times, Edwin Drood... Paper 1 00 Cloth 1 50 Hard Times 8vo, Paper 25 Mrs. Lirriper's Legacv 8vo, Paper 10 Mvsterv of Edwin Drood. Illustrated 8vo, Paper 25 Pickwick Papers 4to, Paper 20 The Mudfog Papers, &c 4to, Paper 10 DISRAELI'S (Earl of Beaconsfield) Endymion 4to, Paper 15 The Yoinig Duke 12mo, Cloth, $1 50; 4to, Paper 15 DUNNING'S (Charlotte) Cabin and Gondola 12mo, Paper :io Upon a Cast 16mo, Cloth 1 00 EBERS'S (Georg) The Bride of the Nile 4to, Paper 25 EDWARDES'S (Annie) A Girton Girl 4to, Paper 20 EDWARDS'S (A. B.) A Playwright's Daughter 12mo, Paper 25 Barbara's History 8vo, Paper 50 Debenham's Vow. Illustrated 8vo, Paper 50 Half a Million of Money 8vo, Paper 50 Lord Brackenbury 4to, Paper 15 Miss Carew 8vo, Paper 35 Mv Brother's Wife 8vo, Paper 25 EDWARDS'S (M. B.) Disarmed 4to, Paper 15 Exchange No Robbery 4to, Paper 15 Kittv 8vo, Paper 35 Next of Kin— Wanted 4to, Paper 20 Pearla 4to, Paper 20 The Flower of Doom, and Other Stories 16mo, Paper 25 ELIOT'S (George) Works. Library Edition. 12 vols. Illustrated. ]2mo, Cloth, per vol. 1 25 Popular Edition. 12 vols. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth, per vol. 75 Adam Bede. — Daniel Deronda, 2 vols.— Essays and Leaves from a Note-Book. — Felix Holt, the Radical.— Middlemarch, 2 vols. — Romola. — Scenes of Clerical Life, awl Silas Marner. — The Mill on the Floss. — Poems : with Brother Jacob and The Lifted Veil. Fireside Edition. Containing the above in 6 vols. (-SbW onlif in Sets.) 12mo, Cloth 7 50 Adam Bede. Illustrated 4to, Paper 25 Amos Barton 32mo, Paper 20 Brother Jacob.— The Lifted Veil 32mo, Paper 20 Daniel Deronda 8vo, Paper 50 Felix Holt, the Radical 8vo, Paper 50 Impressions of Theophrastus Such 4to, Paper 10 Janet's Repentance 32mo, Paper 20 Middlemarch Svo, Paper 75 Mr. Gilfil's Love Story 32mo, Paper 20 Romola. Illustrated 8vo, Paper 50 Scenes of Clerical Life 8vo, Paper 50 Silas Marner I'-mo, Paper 20 FARJEON'S An Island Pearl. Illustrated 8vo, Paper 30 At the Sign of the Silver Flagon 8vo, Paper 25