Page:The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.pdf/28

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Edmund Hill, Esq.
Rev. Mr. Edward Hoare
Rev. Mr. John Holmes
William Hornsby, Esq. of Gainsborough
Rev. Mr. Houseman, of Leicester
Mr. Martin Hopkins
Mr. Philip Hurlock, sen.


Rev. Mr. James
Mr. Jefferys, Royal Navy
Rev. Dr. Jowett
Thomas Irving, Esq.
Edward Ind, Esq.
Robert Ind, Esq.
George Johnson, Esq. of Byker, 100 copies


Rt. Hon. Lord Kinnaird
James Karr, Esq.
Rev. Dr. Kippis
Mr. Robert Kent, Soham
Rev. Mr. Kingsbury, Southampton


The Ld. Bishop of London
Bennet Langton, Esq.
Sir Egerton Leigh, of Northampton
Charles Lloyd, Esq.
Edw. Lovedon Lovedon, Esq. M. P.
Mr. William Lloyd
Charles and Sampson Lloyd, Esqs. of Birmingham
Mr. John Low, jun. of Manchester
William Langworthy, Esq.


The Duke of Marlborough
The Duke of Montague
Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart.
Rt. Hon. Lord Mulgrave
Sir Charles Middleton, Bt.
Lady Middleton
Morris Morgan, Esq.
Mr. Musgrove
James Martin, of Hayesgrove, Kent.
Paul Le Mesurier, Esq. M. P.
Miss Hannah More
Mr. Thomas Musgrove
Lindly Murry, of York


The Duke of Northumberland
Capt. Norman, Navy
Pim Nevins, of Leeds
Mr. Deputy Nichols
John Nelthorpe, Esq. of Lincoln
Rev. Robert Boucher Nichols, Dean of Middleham


Rev. Mr. J Owen
Edward Ogle, Esq.


Rt. Hon. W. Pickett, Esq. Lord Mayor of London