Page:The International Folk-Lore Congress of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July, 1893.djvu/344

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larger fish, of many kinds, went on their travels. But the largest fish of all waited on until the sun was high in the heavens ere they sallied forth.

By that time Tamaro was ready to depart. Round his waist was wound many times a fine sennit cord, from which the precious hooks were suspended. He now gripped one of the largest fish, plucking out both its eyes with his fingers. The great fish in agony raised its head, and putting forth all its strength, in a short time rose to the surface, carrying with it Tamaro, who held firmly on by the eye-sockets.

Close by where man and the blind fish rose, was the canoe with the boys in it; for the lads had come back in search of their father. Father and sons now slew the immense fish and drew it to the canoe. But when the tail was put on board, the frail craft was ready to sink. So they had to be content to paddle to shore, dragging the huge fish througn the sea secured by a rope. All feasted grandly that day, and Tamaro was the first to give to his countrymen the strange news that at the bottom of the ocean is the capacious and beautiful dwelling of the Fish-god, whose name is Toroa-of-the-bighead.


Now the sea was infested by a fearful monster—an immense white shark. It was the terror of the land; for if any one went fishing the probability was that he would be devoured.[1] Bathers were picked off by it. Dry cocoanut fronds falling into the lagoon were swallowed by it. Even drift-wood came not amiss.

The brave Tamaro determined to put an end to this state of things. Suspending from his neck a large shark's tooth—the keenest of weapons—he went to the farther edge of the lagoon, swam to a flat block of coral, on which he stationed himself and awaited the arrival of his foe. Nor had he long to wait. On came the immense white shark, and when quite close turned itself on its back and opened its vast Jaws, armed with several rows of movable teeth. Tamaro now leaped down the throat of the enemy. (Some assert that he changed

  1. It is almost impossible to exist on those atolls without frequent bathing; so great is the heat. The white shark attains the length of 37 feet.